Teradata Bulk Loader


The Teradata Bulkloader transform supports fastloading data into a Teradata database using the fastload command line tool.



Transform name

Name of the transform this name has to be unique in a single pipeline.

Use control file

Work in control file mode.

Control file

The path to the control file to be used.

Variable Substitution in control file

Make use of POI Variables (eg: ${RUN_ID}) in the control file.

Path to fastload

The path to the fastload command line utility.

Error log

An optional Error log to be created by Fastload.


A connection to the Teradata DB.

Target table

The table to be loaded.

Truncate table

Truncate the target table before loading.

Data file

The name of the temporary data file.


Number of sessions to be used by Fastload.

Error limit

The error limit for Fastload.

Field mapping

Definition of POI <→ DB Field mapping.

Fastload Control File

Runs as a transform within a pipeline completely independent from other transforms.