MySQL Bulk Loader


The MySQL Bulk Loader action loads data from a text file into a MySQL table.



Workflow action name

The name of the workflow action.


The connection to the MySQL database to use.

Target schema

The schema of the table to load.

Target table name

The name of the table to load into.

Source file name

The name of the file to load.


Check this if the file is local.


The priority to load the file with.

Fields terminated by

The field terminator to use.

Fields enclosed by

The field enclosure to use.

Fields escaped by

The escape character to use.

Lines started by

The line start string to use.

Lines terminated by

The line termination string to use.


The fields to load, separated by comma (,).

Replace data

Check this option if you want to replace the data in the target data.

Ignore the first …​ lines

Ignores the first …​ lines in the text file.

Add files to result

Check this option if you want to re-use the filename of the text file in a next workflow action.