Add Sequence


The Add sequence transform adds a sequence to the Hop stream. A sequence is an ever-changing integer value with a specific start and increment value. You can either use a database sequence to determine the value of the sequence, or have it generated by Hop. Hop-generated sequence values are unique when used in the same pipeline, and return to the same starting value each time you run the pipeline. Hop sequences are unique only when used in the same pipeline. Also, they are not stored, so the values start back at the same value every time the pipeline is launched.



Transform name

The name of this transform as it appears in the pipeline workspace. This name must be unique within a single pipeline.

Name of value

Name of the new sequence value that is added to the stream.

Use DB to generate the sequence

Enable if you want the sequence to be driven by a database sequence, then set these parameters: Connection name, Schema name (optional), Sequence name.

Connection name

The name of the connection on which the database sequence resides.

Schema name (optional)

The table’s schema name.

Sequence name

The name of the database sequence.

Use a pipeline counter to generate the sequence

Enable if you want the sequence to be generated by Hop, then set these parameters: Counter name (optional), Start at, Increment by, Maximum value.

Counter name (optional)

If multiple transforms in a pipeline generate the same value name, this option enables you to specify the name of the counter to associate with. Avoids forcing unique sequencing across multiple steps.

Start at

The value to begin the sequence with.

Increment by

The amount by which the sequence increases or decreases.

Maximum value

The value after which the sequence returns to the Start At value.