Refining search queries

Search query specs define how a “match” is defined between a search value and a dimension value. The available search query specs are:


If any part of a dimension value contains the value specified in this search query spec, regardless of case, a “match” occurs. The grammar is:

  1. {
  2. "type" : "insensitive_contains",
  3. "value" : "some_value"
  4. }


If any part of a dimension value contains all of the values specified in this search query spec, regardless of case by default, a “match” occurs. The grammar is:

  1. {
  2. "type" : "fragment",
  3. "case_sensitive" : false,
  4. "values" : ["fragment1", "fragment2"]
  5. }


If any part of a dimension value contains the value specified in this search query spec, a “match” occurs. The grammar is:

  1. {
  2. "type" : "contains",
  3. "case_sensitive" : true,
  4. "value" : "some_value"
  5. }


If any part of a dimension value contains the pattern specified in this search query spec, a “match” occurs. The grammar is:

  1. {
  2. "type" : "regex",
  3. "pattern" : "some_pattern"
  4. }