




Comment评论 - 图1



  1. import { Comment, Icon, Tooltip, Avatar } from 'antd';
  2. import moment from 'moment';
  3. class App extends React.Component {
  4. state = {
  5. likes: 0,
  6. dislikes: 0,
  7. action: null,
  8. };
  9. like = () => {
  10. this.setState({
  11. likes: 1,
  12. dislikes: 0,
  13. action: 'liked',
  14. });
  15. };
  16. dislike = () => {
  17. this.setState({
  18. likes: 0,
  19. dislikes: 1,
  20. action: 'disliked',
  21. });
  22. };
  23. render() {
  24. const { likes, dislikes, action } = this.state;
  25. const actions = [
  26. <span>
  27. <Tooltip title="Like">
  28. <Icon
  29. type="like"
  30. theme={action === 'liked' ? 'filled' : 'outlined'}
  31. onClick={}
  32. />
  33. </Tooltip>
  34. <span style={{ paddingLeft: 8, cursor: 'auto' }}>{likes}</span>
  35. </span>,
  36. <span>
  37. <Tooltip title="Dislike">
  38. <Icon
  39. type="dislike"
  40. theme={action === 'disliked' ? 'filled' : 'outlined'}
  41. onClick={this.dislike}
  42. />
  43. </Tooltip>
  44. <span style={{ paddingLeft: 8, cursor: 'auto' }}>{dislikes}</span>
  45. </span>,
  46. <span>Reply to</span>,
  47. ];
  48. return (
  49. <Comment
  50. actions={actions}
  51. author={<a>Han Solo</a>}
  52. avatar={
  53. <Avatar
  54. src=""
  55. alt="Han Solo"
  56. />
  57. }
  58. content={
  59. <p>
  60. We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
  61. resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully
  62. and efficiently.
  63. </p>
  64. }
  65. datetime={
  66. <Tooltip title={moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}>
  67. <span>{moment().fromNow()}</span>
  68. </Tooltip>
  69. }
  70. />
  71. );
  72. }
  73. }
  74. ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);

Comment评论 - 图2

配合 List 组件

配合 List 组件展现评论列表。

  1. import { Comment, Tooltip, List } from 'antd';
  2. import moment from 'moment';
  3. const data = [
  4. {
  5. actions: [<span>Reply to</span>],
  6. author: 'Han Solo',
  7. avatar: '',
  8. content: (
  9. <p>
  10. We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
  11. resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and
  12. efficiently.
  13. </p>
  14. ),
  15. datetime: (
  16. <Tooltip
  17. title={moment()
  18. .subtract(1, 'days')
  19. .format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}
  20. >
  21. <span>
  22. {moment()
  23. .subtract(1, 'days')
  24. .fromNow()}
  25. </span>
  26. </Tooltip>
  27. ),
  28. },
  29. {
  30. actions: [<span>Reply to</span>],
  31. author: 'Han Solo',
  32. avatar: '',
  33. content: (
  34. <p>
  35. We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
  36. resources (Sketch and Axure), to help people create their product prototypes beautifully and
  37. efficiently.
  38. </p>
  39. ),
  40. datetime: (
  41. <Tooltip
  42. title={moment()
  43. .subtract(2, 'days')
  44. .format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}
  45. >
  46. <span>
  47. {moment()
  48. .subtract(2, 'days')
  49. .fromNow()}
  50. </span>
  51. </Tooltip>
  52. ),
  53. },
  54. ];
  55. ReactDOM.render(
  56. <List
  57. className="comment-list"
  58. header={`${data.length} replies`}
  59. itemLayout="horizontal"
  60. dataSource={data}
  61. renderItem={item => (
  62. <li>
  63. <Comment
  64. actions={item.actions}
  65. author={}
  66. avatar={item.avatar}
  67. content={item.content}
  68. datetime={item.datetime}
  69. />
  70. </li>
  71. )}
  72. />,
  73. mountNode,
  74. );

Comment评论 - 图3



  1. import { Comment, Avatar } from 'antd';
  2. const ExampleComment = ({ children }) => (
  3. <Comment
  4. actions={[<span>Reply to</span>]}
  5. author={<a>Han Solo</a>}
  6. avatar={
  7. <Avatar
  8. src=""
  9. alt="Han Solo"
  10. />
  11. }
  12. content={
  13. <p>
  14. We supply a series of design principles, practical patterns and high quality design
  15. resources (Sketch and Axure).
  16. </p>
  17. }
  18. >
  19. {children}
  20. </Comment>
  21. );
  22. ReactDOM.render(
  23. <ExampleComment>
  24. <ExampleComment>
  25. <ExampleComment />
  26. <ExampleComment />
  27. </ExampleComment>
  28. </ExampleComment>,
  29. mountNode,
  30. );

Comment评论 - 图4



  1. import { Comment, Avatar, Form, Button, List, Input } from 'antd';
  2. import moment from 'moment';
  3. const { TextArea } = Input;
  4. const CommentList = ({ comments }) => (
  5. <List
  6. dataSource={comments}
  7. header={`${comments.length} ${comments.length > 1 ? 'replies' : 'reply'}`}
  8. itemLayout="horizontal"
  9. renderItem={props => <Comment {...props} />}
  10. />
  11. );
  12. const Editor = ({ onChange, onSubmit, submitting, value }) => (
  13. <div>
  14. <Form.Item>
  15. <TextArea rows={4} onChange={onChange} value={value} />
  16. </Form.Item>
  17. <Form.Item>
  18. <Button htmlType="submit" loading={submitting} onClick={onSubmit} type="primary">
  19. Add Comment
  20. </Button>
  21. </Form.Item>
  22. </div>
  23. );
  24. class App extends React.Component {
  25. state = {
  27. submitting: false,
  28. value: '',
  29. };
  30. handleSubmit = () => {
  31. if (!this.state.value) {
  32. return;
  33. }
  34. this.setState({
  35. submitting: true,
  36. });
  37. setTimeout(() => {
  38. this.setState({
  39. submitting: false,
  40. value: '',
  42. {
  43. author: 'Han Solo',
  44. avatar: '',
  45. content: <p>{this.state.value}</p>,
  46. datetime: moment().fromNow(),
  47. },
  48. ...this.state.comments,
  49. ],
  50. });
  51. }, 1000);
  52. };
  53. handleChange = e => {
  54. this.setState({
  55. value:,
  56. });
  57. };
  58. render() {
  59. const { comments, submitting, value } = this.state;
  60. return (
  61. <div>
  62. {comments.length > 0 && <CommentList comments={comments} />}
  63. <Comment
  64. avatar={
  65. <Avatar
  66. src=""
  67. alt="Han Solo"
  68. />
  69. }
  70. content={
  71. <Editor
  72. onChange={this.handleChange}
  73. onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}
  74. submitting={submitting}
  75. value={value}
  76. />
  77. }
  78. />
  79. </div>
  80. );
  81. }
  82. }
  83. ReactDOM.render(<App />, mountNode);


avatar要显示为评论头像的元素 - 通常是 antd Avatar 或者 srcstring|ReactNode-