Upgrading to Angular 1.3+ Style
The first step of any migration is to upgrade the codebases style to conformto Angular 1.3+ style, ideally an Angular 1.5+ style. This means:
- All controllers should be in controllerAs form, and ideally should only exist on directives
Use directives, specifically "component directives", that use the following properties:
- restrict: 'E'
- scope: {}
- bindToController: {}
- controllerAs
- template or templateUrl
- transclude (optional)
- require (optional)
Component directives should not use the following attributes:
- compile
- replace: true
- priority/terminal
- Ideally have one component, or one thing per file
- Ideally have folders organized by feature
原文: https://angular-2-training-book.rangle.io/handout/migrate/migration-prep/upgrade_to_angular_1_3.html