Awesome Angel

A curated list of awesome Angel plug-ins, apps, and resources.


Angel is a full-featured, full-stack, server-side framework for the Dart programming language.It is batteries-included and provides almost all of what you need for real world API's, out of the box. As an added bonus, Angel lets you share logic between the client and server, and has a thoroughdocumentation,supplemented by a detailedDartdoc and multipletutorials.

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Demo video

Check out how to set up a basic Angel project!


Briefly read the contribution guidelines before submitting a PR. A huge thanks to all contributors!!!


Example Projects

Database Adapters



Video Tutorials

Companies Using Angel in Production

This is a non-exhaustive list of production applications known to be using Angel.At this time, only applications using Angel 2 are listed.

Are you using Angel in the wild? Send a PR, and let us know! 🔥