Server Logging

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This page summarizes Alluxio’s logging system for servers, such as the master and worker processes. We include tips for modifying Alluxio’s log4j properties file to best suit deployment needs. If you are a user of Alluxio looking for logging information about clients that are utilizing the Alluxio API, we recommend looking at the client logging documentation

Alluxio’s logging behavior can be fully configured through the file found in the conf folder.

Log Location

Default Location

By default Alluxio processes’ log files can be found under ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/logs/.

Configuring the Log Location

The location of the logs is determined by the alluxio.logs.dir property. This can only be set via JVM property; it cannot be set in the file. See the configuration settings page for more information on how to set JVM properties for Alluxio.

Each Alluxio process (master, worker, FUSE, proxy) will log to a separate file within the alluxio.logs.dir directory

Log Levels

Modifying Logging with

You can modify the found under the ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/ to modify logging levels.

For example, if you would like to modify the level for all logs, then you can change the rootLogger level by modifying the following line:

  1. log4j.rootLogger=INFO, ${alluxio.logger.type}, ${alluxio.remote.logger.type}

If you wish to have DEBUG logging, then you would make the first line

  1. log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, ${alluxio.logger.type}, ${alluxio.remote.logger.type}`

Modifying Logging at Runtime

It is recommended to modify the file, however if there is a need to modify logging parameters without stopping nodes in the cluster, then you may modify some parameters at runtime.

The Alluxio shell comes with a logLevel command that returns the current value of or updates the log level of a particular class on specific instances. Users are able to change Alluxio server-side log levels at runtime.

The command follows the format alluxio logLevel --logName=NAME [--target=<master|worker|host:port>] [--level=LEVEL], where:

  • --logName <arg> indicates the logger’s class (e.g. alluxio.master.file.DefaultFileSystemMaster)
  • --target <arg> lists the Alluxio master or workers to set. The target could be of the form <master|workers|host:webPort> and multiple targets can be listed as comma-separated entries. The host:webPort format can only be used when referencing a worker. The default target value is all masters and workers.
  • --level <arg> If provided, the command changes to the given logger level, otherwise it returns the current logger level.

For example, the following command sets the logger level of the class alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext to DEBUG on master as well as a worker at

  1. $ ./bin/alluxio logLevel --logName=alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext \
  2. --target=master, --level=DEBUG

And the following command returns the log level of the class alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext among all the workers:

  1. $ ./bin/alluxio logLevel --logName=alluxio.heartbeat.HeartbeatContext --target=workers

For more information, refer to the help text of the logLevel command by running ./bin/alluxio logLevel

Remote Logging


Alluxio supports sending logs to a remote log server over the network. This feature can be useful to system administrators who have to perform the task of log collection. With remote logging, the log files, e.g. master.log, worker.log, etc. on all Alluxio servers will be readily available on a designated and configurable directory on the log server.

Deploying the Log Server

Configuring the Log Server

You need to specify the directory that the log server will write logs to by setting the ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_LOGS_DIR environment variable or adding it to ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/

You can specify ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_PORT to change the port the log server will be listening to. You can find the default port in table of configuration properties

Start the Log Server

On the log server, execute the following command.

  1. $ ./bin/ logserver

Stop the Log Server

  1. $ ./bin/ logserver

Configuring Alluxio Processes to use the Log Server

By default, remote logging is not enabled. You need to set 2 environment variables in ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/ to enable it.

  1. ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_HOSTNAME specifies the hostname of the remote log server. The equivalent Java opt is alluxio.logserver.hostname.

  2. ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_PORT specifies the port the remote log server is listening to. The equivalent Java opt is alluxio.logserver.port.

There is no requirement on where the log server can be run, as long as the other Alluxio servers have network access to it. In our example, we run the log server on the same machine as a master.

Enable Remote Logging with Environment Variables

The two environment variables ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_HOSTNAME and ALLUXIO_LOGSERVER_PORT control the logging behavior of masters and workers in an Alluxio cluster.

Suppose the hostname of the log server is AlluxioLogServer, and the port is 45600. The following lines would need to be added to conf/ to enable remote logging :


These variables propagate their values to the alluxio.logserver.hostname and alluxio.logserver.port [system properties] when set via which are then referenced within

Restart Alluxio and the Log Server

After making the modification to configuration, you need to restart the log server first. Then you can start Alluxio. This ensures that the logs that Alluxio generates during start-up phase will also go to the log server.

Verify the Log Server has Started

SSH to the machine on which log server is running.

Go to the directory where the log server has been configured to store logs received from other Alluxio servers. In the above example, the directory is /tmp/alluxio_remote_logs.

  1. $ cd /tmp/alluxio_remote_logs
  2. $ ls
  3. master proxy secondary_master worker
  4. $ ls -l master/
  5. ...
  6. -rw-r--r-- 1 alluxio alluxio 26109 Sep 13 08:49
  7. ...

You can see that the log files are put into different folders according to their type. Master logs are put in the folder master, worker logs are put in folder worker, etc. Within each folder, log files from different workers are distinguished by the IP/hostname of the machine on which the server has been running.

Control Remote Logging Behavior with

The remote log server uses the default threshold of WARN, which means log4j levels below WARN will not be sent to the remote log server. This can be finer tuned by modifying ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/

For example, if you want to change log level for the remote logger for Alluxio master logs, you can modify the corresponding appender’s threshold.

  1. # Remote appender for Master
  3. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.Port=${alluxio.logserver.port}
  4. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.RemoteHost=${alluxio.logserver.hostname}
  5. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.ReconnectionDelay=10000
  6. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.filter.ID=alluxio.AlluxioRemoteLogFilter
  7. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.filter.ID.ProcessType=MASTER
  8. # Set the threshold to your desired log level
  9. log4j.appender.REMOTE_MASTER_LOGGER.Threshold=WARN

This enables you to further customize the appender in to, for example, specify the log format. How to do that is beyond the scope of this documentation.

Configuration Properties

You can find the properties related to logging in the table of configuration properties