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This guide describes the instructions to configure NFS as Alluxio’s under storage system.

Initial Setup

The Alluxio binaries must be on your machine. You can either compile Alluxio, or download the binaries locally.

Configuring Alluxio

Configure Alluxio to use under storage systems by modifying conf/ If it does not exist, create the configuration file from the template.

  1. cp conf/ conf/

Assuming the NFS clients are co-located with Alluxio nodes, all the NFS shares are mounted at directory /mnt/nfs, the following environment variable assignment needs to be added to conf/

  1. alluxio.master.hostname=localhost
  2. alluxio.underfs.address=/mnt/nfs

Running Alluxio with NFS

Run the following command to start Alluxio filesystem.

  1. ./bin/alluxio format
  2. ./bin/ local

To verify that Alluxio is running, you can visit http://localhost:19999, or see the log in the logs folder.

Run a simple example program:

  1. ./bin/alluxio runTests

Visit your NFS volume to verify the files and directories created by Alluxio exist. For this test, you should see files named like:

  1. /mnt/nfs/default_tests_files/Basic_CACHE_THROUGH

Stop Alluxio by running:

  1. ./bin/ local