Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum


Problem Statement

Given a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.

The path may start and end at any node in the tree.


Given the below binary tree:

  1. 1
  2. / \
  3. 2 3

return 6.

题解1 - 递归中仅返回子树路径长度



Warning 注意区分包含根节点的路径和(题目要的答案)和左子树/右子树部分的路径长度(答案的一个组成部分)。路径和=根节点+左子树路径长度+右子树路径长度

  1. -10
  2. / \
  3. 2 -3
  4. / \ / \
  5. 3 4 5 7

如上所示,包含根节点-10的路径和组成的节点应为4 -> 2 -> -10 <- -3 <- 7, 对于左子树而言,其可能的路径组成节点为3 -> 24 -> 2, 而不是像根节点的路径和那样为3 -> 2 <- 4. 这种差异也就造成了我们不能很愉快地使用递归来求得最大路径和。

我们使用分治的思想来分析路径和/左子树/右子树,设 f(root)root的子树到root节点(含)路径长度的最大值,那么我们有
f(root) = root->val + \max (f(root->left), ~f(root->right))

递归模型已初步建立起来,接下来就是分析如何将左右子树的路径长度和最终题目要求的「路径和」挂钩。设 g(root) 为当「路径和」中根节点为root时的值,那么我们有
g(root) = root->val + f(root->left) + f(root->right)

顺着这个思路,我们可以遍历树中的每一个节点求得 g(node) 的值,输出最大值即可。如果不采取任何记忆化存储的措施,其时间复杂度必然是指数级别的。嗯,先来看看这个思路的具体实现,后续再对其进行优化。遍历节点我们使用递归版的前序遍历,求单边路径长度采用递归。

Time Limit Exceeded

  1. /**
  2. * Definition of TreeNode:
  3. * class TreeNode {
  4. * public:
  5. * int val;
  6. * TreeNode *left, *right;
  7. * TreeNode(int val) {
  8. * this->val = val;
  9. * this->left = this->right = NULL;
  10. * }
  11. * }
  12. */
  13. class Solution {
  14. public:
  15. /**
  16. * @param root: The root of binary tree.
  17. * @return: An integer
  18. */
  19. int maxPathSum(TreeNode *root) {
  20. if (NULL == root) {
  21. return 0;
  22. }
  23. int result = INT_MIN;
  24. stack<TreeNode *> s;
  25. s.push(root);
  26. while (!s.empty()) {
  27. TreeNode *node =;
  28. s.pop();
  29. int temp_path_sum = node->val + singlePathSum(node->left) \
  30. + singlePathSum(node->right);
  31. if (temp_path_sum > result) {
  32. result = temp_path_sum;
  33. }
  34. if (NULL != node->right) s.push(node->right);
  35. if (NULL != node->left) s.push(node->left);
  36. }
  37. return result;
  38. }
  39. private:
  40. int singlePathSum(TreeNode *root) {
  41. if (NULL == root) {
  42. return 0;
  43. }
  44. int path_sum = max(singlePathSum(root->left), singlePathSum(root->right));
  45. return max(0, (root->val + path_sum));
  46. }
  47. };



题解2 - 递归中同时返回子树路径长度和路径和

C++ using std::pair


  1. /**
  2. * Definition of TreeNode:
  3. * class TreeNode {
  4. * public:
  5. * int val;
  6. * TreeNode *left, *right;
  7. * TreeNode(int val) {
  8. * this->val = val;
  9. * this->left = this->right = NULL;
  10. * }
  11. * }
  12. */
  13. class Solution {
  14. private:
  15. pair<int, int> helper(TreeNode *root) {
  16. if (NULL == root) {
  17. return make_pair(0, INT_MIN);
  18. }
  19. pair<int, int> leftTree = helper(root->left);
  20. pair<int, int> rightTree = helper(root->right);
  21. int single_path_sum = max(leftTree.first, rightTree.first) + root->val;
  22. single_path_sum = max(0, single_path_sum);
  23. int max_sub_sum = max(leftTree.second, rightTree.second);
  24. int max_path_sum = root->val + leftTree.first + rightTree.first;
  25. max_path_sum = max(max_sub_sum, max_path_sum);
  26. return make_pair(single_path_sum, max_path_sum);
  27. }
  28. public:
  29. /**
  30. * @param root: The root of binary tree.
  31. * @return: An integer
  32. */
  33. int maxPathSum(TreeNode *root) {
  34. if (NULL == root) {
  35. return 0;
  36. }
  37. return helper(root).second;
  38. }
  39. };


除了使用pair对其进行封装,也可使用嵌套类新建一包含单路径长度和全局路径和两个变量的类,不过我用 C++写的没编译过… 老是提示...private,遂用pair改写之。建议使用class而不是pair封装single_path_summax_path_sum[^pair_is_harmful].

这种方法难以理解的地方在于这种实现方式的正确性,较为关键的语句为max_path_sum = max(max_sub_sum, max_path_sum), 这行代码是如何体现题目中以下的这句话的呢?

The path may start and end at any node in the tree.


  1. 采用「冒泡」法返回不经过根节点的路径和的较大值。
  2. 递推子树路径长度(不变值)而不是到该节点的路径和(有可能变化),从而保证了这种解法的正确性。



  1. /**
  2. * Definition of TreeNode:
  3. * class TreeNode {
  4. * public:
  5. * int val;
  6. * TreeNode *left, *right;
  7. * TreeNode(int val) {
  8. * this->val = val;
  9. * this->left = this->right = NULL;
  10. * }
  11. * }
  12. */
  13. class Solution {
  14. class ResultType {
  15. public:
  16. int singlePath, maxPath;
  17. ResultType(int s, int m):singlePath(s), maxPath(m) {}
  18. };
  19. private:
  20. ResultType helper(TreeNode *root) {
  21. if (root == NULL) {
  22. ResultType *nullResult = new ResultType(0, INT_MIN);
  23. return *nullResult;
  24. }
  25. // Divide
  26. ResultType left = helper(root->left);
  27. ResultType right = helper(root->right);
  28. // Conquer
  29. int singlePath = max(left.singlePath, right.singlePath) + root->val;
  30. singlePath = max(singlePath, 0);
  31. int maxPath = max(left.maxPath, right.maxPath);
  32. maxPath = max(maxPath, left.singlePath + right.singlePath + root->val);
  33. ResultType *result = new ResultType(singlePath, maxPath);
  34. return *result;
  35. }
  36. public:
  37. int maxPathSum(TreeNode *root) {
  38. ResultType result = helper(root);
  39. return result.maxPath;
  40. }
  41. };


  1. /**
  2. * Definition for a binary tree node.
  3. * public class TreeNode {
  4. * int val;
  5. * TreeNode left;
  6. * TreeNode right;
  7. * TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
  8. * }
  9. */
  10. class Result {
  11. int singlePath, maxPath;
  12. Result(int singlePath, int maxPath) {
  13. this.singlePath = singlePath;
  14. this.maxPath = maxPath;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. public class Solution {
  18. public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) {
  19. return helper(root).maxPath;
  20. }
  21. private Result helper(TreeNode root) {
  22. if (root == null) {
  23. // maxPath should be MIN_VALUE to avoid negtive
  24. return new Result(0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
  25. }
  26. Result left = helper(root.left);
  27. Result right = helper(root.right);
  28. int singlePath = Math.max(left.singlePath, right.singlePath) + root.val;
  29. singlePath = Math.max(0, singlePath); // drop negtive
  30. int maxPath = Math.max(left.maxPath, right.maxPath);
  31. maxPath = Math.max(maxPath, root.val + left.singlePath + right.singlePath);
  32. return new Result(singlePath, maxPath);
  33. }
  34. }


  1. 如果不用 ResultType *XXX = new ResultType ...return *XXX 的方式,则需要在自定义 class 中重载 new operator。
  2. 如果遇到 ...private 的编译错误,则是因为自定义 class 中需要把成员声明为 public,否则需要把访问这个成员的函数也做 class 内部处理。
