Exceptions used by Airflow.
Module Contents
Information about a single error in a file. |
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowException[source]
Bases: Exception
Base class for all Airflow’s errors.
Each custom exception should be derived from this class.
- status_code[source]
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowBadRequest[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the application or server cannot handle the request.
- status_code[source]
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowNotFoundException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the requested object/resource is not available in the system.
- status_code[source]
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowConfigException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is configuration problem.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowSensorTimeout[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is a timeout on sensor polling.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowRescheduleException(reschedule_date)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the task should be re-scheduled at a later time.
reschedule_date – The date when the task should be rescheduled
exception airflow.exceptions.InvalidStatsNameException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when name of the stats is invalid.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowTaskTimeout[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the task execution times-out.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowWebServerTimeout[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the web server times out.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowSkipException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the task should be skipped.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowFailException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the task should be failed without retrying.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowOptionalProviderFeatureException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise by providers when imports are missing for optional provider features.
exception airflow.exceptions.XComNotFound(dag_id, task_id, key)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when an XCom reference is being resolved against a non-existent XCom.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.UnmappableOperator[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when an operator is not implemented to be mappable.
exception airflow.exceptions.XComForMappingNotPushed[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a mapped downstream’s dependency fails to push XCom for task mapping.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.UnmappableXComTypePushed(value, *values)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when an unmappable type is pushed as a mapped downstream’s dependency.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.UnmappableXComLengthPushed(value, max_length)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when the pushed value is too large to map as a downstream’s dependency.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowDagCycleException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is a cycle in DAG definition.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowDagDuplicatedIdException(dag_id, incoming, existing)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a DAG’s ID is already used by another DAG.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowDagInconsistent[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a DAG has inconsistent attributes.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowClusterPolicyViolation[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is a violation of a Cluster Policy in DAG definition.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowClusterPolicyError[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is an error except AirflowClusterPolicyViolation in Cluster Policy.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowTimetableInvalid[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a DAG has an invalid timetable.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a DAG is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagCodeNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a DAG code is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagRunNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a DAG Run is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagRunAlreadyExists(dag_run, execution_date, run_id)[source]
Bases: AirflowBadRequest
Raise when creating a DAG run for DAG which already has DAG run entry.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagFileExists(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Bases: AirflowBadRequest
Raise when a DAG ID is still in DagBag i.e., DAG file is in DAG folder.
exception airflow.exceptions.DuplicateTaskIdFound[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a Task with duplicate task_id is defined in the same DAG.
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskAlreadyInTaskGroup(task_id, existing_group_id, new_group_id)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when a Task cannot be added to a TaskGroup since it already belongs to another TaskGroup.
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.SerializationError[source]
Bases: AirflowException
A problem occurred when trying to serialize something.
exception airflow.exceptions.ParamValidationError[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when DAG params is invalid.
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a Task is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskInstanceNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a task instance is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.PoolNotFound[source]
Bases: AirflowNotFoundException
Raise when a Pool is not available in the system.
exception airflow.exceptions.NoAvailablePoolSlot[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when there is not enough slots in pool.
exception airflow.exceptions.DagConcurrencyLimitReached[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when DAG max_active_tasks limit is reached.
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskConcurrencyLimitReached[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when task max_active_tasks limit is reached.
exception airflow.exceptions.BackfillUnfinished(message, ti_status)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raises when not all tasks succeed in backfill.
message – The human-readable description of the exception
ti_status – The information about all task statuses
class airflow.exceptions.FileSyntaxError[source]
Bases: NamedTuple
Information about a single error in a file.
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowFileParseException(msg, file_path, parse_errors)[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raises when connection or variable file can not be parsed.
msg (str) – The human-readable description of the exception
file_path (str) – A processed file that contains errors
parse_errors (list[FileSyntaxError]) – File syntax errors
Return str(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.ConnectionNotUnique[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raise when multiple values are found for the same connection ID.
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskDeferred(*, trigger, method_name, kwargs=None, timeout=None)[source]
Bases: BaseException
Signal an operator moving to deferred state.
Special exception raised to signal that the operator it was raised from wishes to defer until a trigger fires.
Return repr(self).
exception airflow.exceptions.TaskDeferralError[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raised when a task failed during deferral for some reason.
exception airflow.exceptions.PodMutationHookException[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raised when exception happens during Pod Mutation Hook execution.
exception airflow.exceptions.PodReconciliationError[source]
Bases: AirflowException
Raised when an error is encountered while trying to merge pod configs.
exception airflow.exceptions.RemovedInAirflow3Warning[source]
Bases: DeprecationWarning
Issued for usage of deprecated features that will be removed in Airflow3.
deprecated_since: str | None[source]
Indicates the airflow version that started raising this deprecation warning
exception airflow.exceptions.AirflowProviderDeprecationWarning[source]
Bases: DeprecationWarning
Issued for usage of deprecated features of Airflow provider.