Core ConceptsCore ConceptsHere you can find detailed documentation about each one of Airflow’s core concepts and how to use them, as well as a high-level architectural overview. Architecture Architecture Overview WorkloadsControl FlowUser interface Workloads DAGs Declaring a DAGLoading DAGsRunning DAGsDAG AssignmentDefault ArgumentsThe DAG decoratorControl FlowDynamic DAGsDAG VisualizationDAG & Task DocumentationSubDAGsTaskGroups vs SubDAGsPackaging DAGs.airflowignoreDAG DependenciesDAG pausing, deactivation and deletion DAG Runs DAG Run StatusCron PresetsRe-run DAGExternal TriggersTo Keep in Mind Tasks RelationshipsTask InstancesTimeoutsSLAsSpecial ExceptionsZombie/Undead TasksExecutor Configuration Operators Jinja TemplatingReserved params keyword SensorsTaskFlow ContextLoggingPassing Arbitrary Objects As ArgumentsSensors and the TaskFlow APIHistory Executor Executor Types Communication XComs Custom XCom BackendsWorking with Custom XCom Backends in ContainersWorking with Custom Backends in K8s via Helm VariablesParams DAG-level ParamsTask-level ParamsReferencing Params in a TaskJSON Schema ValidationUse Params to Provide a Trigger UI FormDisabling Runtime Param Modification