
Prop is Agda’s built-in sort of definitionally proof-irrelevant propositions. It is similar to the sort Set, but all elements of a type in Prop are considered to be (definitionally) equal.

The implementation of Prop is based on the POPL 2019 paper Definitional Proof-Irrelevance without K by Gaëtan Gilbert, Jesper Cockx, Matthieu Sozeau, and Nicolas Tabareau.

This is an experimental extension of Agda guarded by option --prop.


Just as for Set, we can define new types in Prop’s as data or record types:

  1. data : Prop where
  2. record : Prop where
  3. constructor tt

When defining a function from a data type in Prop to a type in Set, pattern matching is restricted to the absurd pattern ():

  1. absurd : (A : Set) A
  2. absurd A ()

Unlike for Set, all elements of a type in Prop are definitionally equal. This implies all applications of absurd are the same:

  1. only-one-absurdity : {A : Set} (p q : ⊥) absurd A p absurd A q
  2. only-one-absurdity p q = refl

Since pattern matching on datatypes in Prop is limited, it is recommended to define types in Prop as recursive functions rather than inductive datatypes. For example, the relation _≤_ on natural numbers can be defined as follows:

  1. __ : Nat Nat Prop
  2. zero y =
  3. suc x zero =
  4. suc x suc y = x y

The induction principle for _≤_ can then be defined by matching on the arguments of type Nat:

  1. module _ (P : (m n : Nat) Set)
  2. (pzy : (y : Nat) P zero y)
  3. (pss : (x y : Nat) P x y P (suc x) (suc y)) where
  4. ≤-ind : (m n : Nat) m n P m n
  5. ≤-ind zero y pf = pzy y
  6. ≤-ind (suc x) (suc y) pf = pss x y (≤-ind x y pf)
  7. ≤-ind (suc _) zero ()

Note that while it is also possible to define _≤_ as a datatype in Prop, it is hard to use that version because of the limitations to matching.

When defining a record type in Set, the types of the fields can be both in Set and Prop. For example:

  1. record Fin (n : Nat) : Set where
  2. constructor _[_]
  3. field
  4. _ : Nat
  5. proof : suc _ n
  6. open Fin
  7. Fin-≡ : {n} (x y : Fin n) x y x y
  8. Fin-≡ x y refl = refl

The predicative hierarchy of Prop

Just as for Set, Agda has a predicative hierarchy of sorts Prop₀ (= Prop), Prop₁, Prop₂, …, Propω₀ (= Propω), Propω₁, Propω₂, …, where Prop₀ : Set₁, Prop₁ : Set₂, Prop₂ : Set₃, …, Propω₀ : Setω₁, Propω₁ : Setω₂, Propω₂ : Setω₃, etc. Like Set, Prop also supports universe polymorphism (see universe levels), so for each ℓ : Level we have the sort Prop ℓ. For example:

  1. True : {ℓ} Prop (lsuc ℓ)
  2. True {ℓ} = (P : Prop ℓ) P P

Note that ∀ {ℓ} → Prop (lsuc ℓ) (and likewise any ∀ {ℓ} → Prop (t ℓ)) lives in Setω, not Propω.

The propositional squash type

When defining a datatype in Prop ℓ, it is allowed to have constructors that take arguments in Set ℓ′ for any ℓ′ ≤ ℓ. For example, this allows us to define the propositional squash type and its eliminator:

  1. data Squash {ℓ} (A : Set ℓ) : Prop where
  2. squash : A Squash A
  3. squash-elim : {ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (A : Set ℓ₁) (P : Prop ℓ₂) (A P) Squash A P
  4. squash-elim A P f (squash x) = f x

This type allows us to simulate Agda’s existing irrelevant arguments (see irrelevance) by replacing .A with Squash A.


It is possible to define an equality type in Prop as follows:

  1. data __ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} (x : A) : A Prop where
  2. refl : x x

However, the corresponding eliminator cannot be defined because of the limitations on pattern matching. As a consequence, this equality type is only useful for refuting impossible equations:

  1. 01 : 0 1
  2. 01 ()