You can use the Artemis CLI to execute data maintenance tools:

    The following sub-commands are available when running the CLI data command from a particular broker instance that has already been installed using the create command:



    Prints a report about journal records of a non-running server


    Export the message data using a special and independent XML format


    Imports the journal to a running broker using the output from expt


    shows an internal format of the journal encoded to String


    imports the internal journal format from encode


    Compacts the journal of a non running server


    Recover (undelete) messages from an existing journal and create a new one.

    You can use the CLI help for more information on how to execute each of the tools. For example:

    1. $ ./artemis help data print
    2. NAME
    3. artemis data print - Print data records information (WARNING: don't use
    4. while a production server is running)
    6. artemis data print [--bindings <binding>] [--broker <brokerConfig>]
    7. [--f] [--jdbc] [--jdbc-bindings-table-name <jdbcBindings>]
    8. [--jdbc-connection-url <jdbcURL>]
    9. [--jdbc-driver-class-name <jdbcClassName>]
    10. [--jdbc-large-message-table-name <jdbcLargeMessages>]
    11. [--jdbc-message-table-name <jdbcMessages>]
    12. [--jdbc-node-manager-table-name <jdbcNodeManager>]
    13. [--jdbc-page-store-table-name <jdbcPageStore>] [--journal <journal>]
    14. [--large-messages <largeMessges>] [--output <output>]
    15. [--paging <paging>] [--reclaimed] [--safe] [--verbose] [--]
    16. [<configuration>]
    17. OPTIONS
    18. --bindings <binding>
    19. The folder used for bindings (default from broker.xml)
    20. --broker <brokerConfig>
    21. This would override the broker configuration from the bootstrap
    22. --f
    23. This will allow certain tools like print-data to be performed
    24. ignoring any running servers. WARNING: Changing data concurrently
    25. with a running broker may damage your data. Be careful with this
    26. option.
    27. --jdbc
    28. It will activate jdbc
    29. --jdbc-bindings-table-name <jdbcBindings>
    30. Name of the jdbc bindigns table
    31. --jdbc-connection-url <jdbcURL>
    32. The connection used for the database
    33. --jdbc-driver-class-name <jdbcClassName>
    34. JDBC driver classname
    35. --jdbc-large-message-table-name <jdbcLargeMessages>
    36. Name of the large messages table
    37. --jdbc-message-table-name <jdbcMessages>
    38. Name of the jdbc messages table
    39. --jdbc-node-manager-table-name <jdbcNodeManager>
    40. Name of the jdbc node manager table
    41. --jdbc-page-store-table-name <jdbcPageStore>
    42. Name of the page store messages table
    43. --journal <journal>
    44. The folder used for messages journal (default from broker.xml)
    45. --large-messages <largeMessges>
    46. The folder used for large-messages (default from broker.xml)
    47. --output <output>
    48. Output name for the file
    49. --paging <paging>
    50. The folder used for paging (default from broker.xml)
    51. --reclaimed
    52. This option will try to print as many records as possible from
    53. reclaimed files
    54. --safe
    55. It will print your data structure without showing your data
    56. --verbose
    57. Adds more information on the execution
    58. --
    59. This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
    60. list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
    61. command-line options
    62. <configuration>
    63. Broker Configuration URI, default
    64. 'xml:${ARTEMIS_INSTANCE}/etc/bootstrap.xml'

    For a full list of data tools commands available use:

    1. $ ./artemis help data
    2. NAME
    3. artemis data - data tools group
    4. (print|imp|exp|encode|decode|compact|recover) (example ./artemis data
    5. print)
    7. artemis data
    8. artemis data compact [--journal <journal>]
    9. [--large-messages <largeMessges>] [--paging <paging>]
    10. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--bindings <binding>] [--verbose]
    11. artemis data decode [--journal <journal>]
    12. [--large-messages <largeMessges>] [--file-size <size>]
    13. [--paging <paging>] [--prefix <prefix>] [--suffix <suffix>]
    14. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--directory <directory>]
    15. [--bindings <binding>] [--verbose] --input <input>
    16. artemis data encode [--journal <journal>]
    17. [--large-messages <largeMessges>] [--file-size <size>]
    18. [--paging <paging>] [--prefix <prefix>] [--suffix <suffix>]
    19. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--bindings <binding>] [--verbose]
    20. [--directory <directory>]
    21. artemis data exp [--jdbc-driver-class-name <jdbcClassName>]
    22. [--journal <journal>] [--jdbc-connection-url <jdbcURL>]
    23. [--large-messages <largeMessges>]
    24. [--jdbc-bindings-table-name <jdbcBindings>] [--paging <paging>] [--f]
    25. [--jdbc-large-message-table-name <jdbcLargeMessages>]
    26. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--jdbc-page-store-table-name <jdbcPageStore>]
    27. [--bindings <binding>] [--jdbc] [--verbose]
    28. [--jdbc-message-table-name <jdbcMessages>]
    29. [--jdbc-node-manager-table-name <jdbcNodeManager>] [--output <output>]
    30. artemis data imp [--legacy-prefixes] [--password <password>]
    31. [--transaction] [--verbose] [--port <port>] [--user <user>] [--sort]
    32. --input <input> [--host <host>]
    33. artemis data print [--reclaimed]
    34. [--jdbc-driver-class-name <jdbcClassName>] [--journal <journal>]
    35. [--jdbc-connection-url <jdbcURL>] [--large-messages <largeMessges>]
    36. [--jdbc-bindings-table-name <jdbcBindings>] [--paging <paging>] [--f]
    37. [--jdbc-large-message-table-name <jdbcLargeMessages>] [--safe]
    38. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--jdbc-page-store-table-name <jdbcPageStore>]
    39. [--bindings <binding>] [--jdbc] [--verbose]
    40. [--jdbc-message-table-name <jdbcMessages>]
    41. [--jdbc-node-manager-table-name <jdbcNodeManager>] [--output <output>]
    42. artemis data recover [--jdbc-driver-class-name <jdbcClassName>]
    43. [--journal <journal>] [--jdbc-connection-url <jdbcURL>]
    44. [--large-messages <largeMessges>] [--reclaimed] --target <outputJournal>
    45. [--jdbc-bindings-table-name <jdbcBindings>] [--paging <paging>] [--f]
    46. [--jdbc-large-message-table-name <jdbcLargeMessages>]
    47. [--broker <brokerConfig>] [--jdbc-page-store-table-name <jdbcPageStore>]
    48. [--bindings <binding>] [--jdbc] [--verbose]
    49. [--jdbc-message-table-name <jdbcMessages>]
    50. [--jdbc-node-manager-table-name <jdbcNodeManager>] [--output <output>]
    51. COMMANDS
    52. With no arguments, Display help information
    53. recover
    54. Recover (undelete) every message on the journal by creating a new
    55. output journal. Rolled backed and acked messages will be sent out to
    56. the output as much as possible.
    57. With --jdbc-driver-class-name option, JDBC driver classname
    58. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    59. from broker.xml)
    60. With --jdbc-connection-url option, The connection used for the
    61. database
    62. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    63. (default from broker.xml)
    64. With --reclaimed option, This option will try to recover as many
    65. records as possible from reclaimed files
    66. With --target option, Output folder container the new journal with
    67. all the generated messages
    68. With --jdbc-bindings-table-name option, Name of the jdbc bindigns
    69. table
    70. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    71. broker.xml)
    72. With --f option, This will allow certain tools like print-data to be
    73. performed ignoring any running servers. WARNING: Changing data
    74. concurrently with a running broker may damage your data. Be careful
    75. with this option.
    76. With --jdbc-large-message-table-name option, Name of the large
    77. messages table
    78. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    79. from the bootstrap
    80. With --jdbc-page-store-table-name option, Name of the page store
    81. messages table
    82. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    83. broker.xml)
    84. With --jdbc option, It will activate jdbc
    85. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    86. With --jdbc-message-table-name option, Name of the jdbc messages
    87. table
    88. With --jdbc-node-manager-table-name option, Name of the jdbc node
    89. manager table
    90. With --output option, Output name for the file
    91. print
    92. Print data records information (WARNING: don't use while a
    93. production server is running)
    94. With --reclaimed option, This option will try to print as many
    95. records as possible from reclaimed files
    96. With --jdbc-driver-class-name option, JDBC driver classname
    97. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    98. from broker.xml)
    99. With --jdbc-connection-url option, The connection used for the
    100. database
    101. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    102. (default from broker.xml)
    103. With --jdbc-bindings-table-name option, Name of the jdbc bindigns
    104. table
    105. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    106. broker.xml)
    107. With --f option, This will allow certain tools like print-data to be
    108. performed ignoring any running servers. WARNING: Changing data
    109. concurrently with a running broker may damage your data. Be careful
    110. with this option.
    111. With --jdbc-large-message-table-name option, Name of the large
    112. messages table
    113. With --safe option, It will print your data structure without
    114. showing your data
    115. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    116. from the bootstrap
    117. With --jdbc-page-store-table-name option, Name of the page store
    118. messages table
    119. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    120. broker.xml)
    121. With --jdbc option, It will activate jdbc
    122. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    123. With --jdbc-message-table-name option, Name of the jdbc messages
    124. table
    125. With --jdbc-node-manager-table-name option, Name of the jdbc node
    126. manager table
    127. With --output option, Output name for the file
    128. exp
    129. Export all message-data using an XML that could be interpreted by
    130. any system.
    131. With --jdbc-driver-class-name option, JDBC driver classname
    132. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    133. from broker.xml)
    134. With --jdbc-connection-url option, The connection used for the
    135. database
    136. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    137. (default from broker.xml)
    138. With --jdbc-bindings-table-name option, Name of the jdbc bindigns
    139. table
    140. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    141. broker.xml)
    142. With --f option, This will allow certain tools like print-data to be
    143. performed ignoring any running servers. WARNING: Changing data
    144. concurrently with a running broker may damage your data. Be careful
    145. with this option.
    146. With --jdbc-large-message-table-name option, Name of the large
    147. messages table
    148. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    149. from the bootstrap
    150. With --jdbc-page-store-table-name option, Name of the page store
    151. messages table
    152. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    153. broker.xml)
    154. With --jdbc option, It will activate jdbc
    155. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    156. With --jdbc-message-table-name option, Name of the jdbc messages
    157. table
    158. With --jdbc-node-manager-table-name option, Name of the jdbc node
    159. manager table
    160. With --output option, Output name for the file
    161. imp
    162. Import all message-data using an XML that could be interpreted by
    163. any system.
    164. With --legacy-prefixes option, Do not remove prefixes from legacy
    165. imports
    166. With --password option, User name used to import the data. (default
    167. null)
    168. With --transaction option, If this is set to true you will need a
    169. whole transaction to commit at the end. (default false)
    170. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    171. With --port option, The port used to import the data (default 61616)
    172. With --user option, User name used to import the data. (default
    173. null)
    174. With --sort option, Sort the messages from the input (used for older
    175. versions that won't sort messages)
    176. With --input option, The input file name (default=exp.dmp)
    177. With --host option, The host used to import the data (default
    178. localhost)
    179. decode
    180. Decode a journal's internal format into a new journal set of files
    181. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    182. from broker.xml)
    183. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    184. (default from broker.xml)
    185. With --file-size option, The journal size (default 10485760)
    186. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    187. broker.xml)
    188. With --prefix option, The journal prefix (default activemq-data)
    189. With --suffix option, The journal suffix (default amq)
    190. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    191. from the bootstrap
    192. With --directory option, The journal folder (default journal folder
    193. from broker.xml)
    194. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    195. broker.xml)
    196. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    197. With --input option, The input file name (default=exp.dmp)
    198. encode
    199. Encode a set of journal files into an internal encoded data format
    200. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    201. from broker.xml)
    202. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    203. (default from broker.xml)
    204. With --file-size option, The journal size (default 10485760)
    205. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    206. broker.xml)
    207. With --prefix option, The journal prefix (default activemq-data)
    208. With --suffix option, The journal suffix (default amq)
    209. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    210. from the bootstrap
    211. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    212. broker.xml)
    213. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution
    214. With --directory option, The journal folder (default the journal
    215. folder from broker.xml)
    216. compact
    217. Compacts the journal of a non running server
    218. With --journal option, The folder used for messages journal (default
    219. from broker.xml)
    220. With --large-messages option, The folder used for large-messages
    221. (default from broker.xml)
    222. With --paging option, The folder used for paging (default from
    223. broker.xml)
    224. With --broker option, This would override the broker configuration
    225. from the bootstrap
    226. With --bindings option, The folder used for bindings (default from
    227. broker.xml)
    228. With --verbose option, Adds more information on the execution