> 代理对象

The following objects are directly related to the proxy API. 以下对象直接关系到proxyAPI


The proxy object has the following properties. 代理对象拥有以下属性

proxyidstring(readonly) ID of the proxy. 代理的id
stringName of the proxy. 代理的名称
integerType of proxy.

Possible values:
5 - active proxy;
6 - passive proxy. 代理的类型

5 - 主动代理 6 - 被动代理
descriptiontextDescription of the proxy. 代理的描述
lastaccesstimestamp(readonly) Time when the proxy last connected to the server. 上一次代理连接zabbix server的时间
tls_connectintegerConnections to host.

Possible values are:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate. 连接主机

1 - (default) 非加密 2 - 共享密钥(PSK) 4 - 证书
tls_acceptintegerConnections from host.

Possible bitmap values are:
1 - (default) No encryption;
2 - PSK;
4 - certificate. 从代理连接

1 - (default) 非加密 2 - 共享密钥(PSK) 4 - 证书
tls_issuerstringCertificate issuer. 证书发行者
tls_subjectstringCertificate subject. 证书问题
tls_psk_identitystringPSK identity. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. 共享密钥(PSK)的身份,如果tls_connecttls_accept都启用了PSK,则需要使用。
tls_pskstringThe preshared key, at least 32 hex digits. Required if either tls_connect or tls_accept has PSK enabled. 预共享密钥,至少32位十六进制数字。如果tls_connecttls_accept都启用了PSK,则需要使用。
auto_compressinteger(readonly) Indicates if communication between Zabbix server and proxy is compressed.

Possible values are:
0 - No compression;
1 - Compression enabled; 只读 指示Zabbix服务器和代理之间的通信是否被压缩。
0 - 不压缩
1 - 压缩

Proxy interface 代理接口

The proxy interface object defines the interface used to connect to a passive proxy. It has the following properties. 代理接口对象默认接口用于连接被动代理。他有一下属性

interfaceidstring(readonly) ID of the interface. 接口的ID
stringDNS name to connect to.

Can be empty if connections are made via IP address. 连接的DNS名称
stringIP address to connect to.

Can be empty if connections are made via DNS names. 连接到IP地址

stringPort number to connect to.
integerWhether the connection should be made via IP address.

Possible values are:
0 - connect using DNS name;
1 - connect using IP address. 是否应该通过IP地址进行连接。

0 - 用DNS名称链接 1 - 用IP地址连接
hostidstring(readonly) ID of the proxy the interface belongs to. (只读) 接口所属的代理的ID。