
This exercise is to convert the calculator from Closure (PART 3) into a module.

We’re not adding any additional functionality to the calculator, only changing its interface. Instead of calling a single function calc(..), we’ll be calling specific methods on the public API for each “keypress” of our calculator. The outputs stay the same.

This module should be expressed as a classic module factory function called calculator(), instead of a singleton IIFE, so that multiple calculators can be created if desired.

The public API should include the following methods:

  • number(..) (input: the character/number “pressed”)
  • plus()
  • minus()
  • mult()
  • div()
  • eq()

Usage would look like:

  1. var calc = calculator();
  2. calc.number("4"); // 4
  3.; // +
  4. calc.number("7"); // 7
  5. calc.number("3"); // 3
  6. calc.minus(); // -
  7. calc.number("2"); // 2
  8. calc.eq(); // 75

formatTotal(..) remains the same from that previous exercise. But the useCalc(..) helper needs to be adjusted to work with the module API:

  1. function useCalc(calc,keys) {
  2. var keyMappings = {
  3. "+": "plus",
  4. "-": "minus",
  5. "*": "mult",
  6. "/": "div",
  7. "=": "eq"
  8. };
  9. return [...keys].reduce(
  10. function showDisplay(display,key){
  11. var fn = keyMappings[key] || "number";
  12. var ret = String( calc[fn](key) );
  13. return (
  14. display +
  15. (
  16. (ret != "" && key == "=") ?
  17. "=" :
  18. ""
  19. ) +
  20. ret
  21. );
  22. },
  23. ""
  24. );
  25. }
  26. useCalc(calc,"4+3="); // 4+3=7
  27. useCalc(calc,"+9="); // +9=16
  28. useCalc(calc,"*8="); // *5=128
  29. useCalc(calc,"7*2*3="); // 7*2*3=42
  30. useCalc(calc,"1/0="); // 1/0=ERR
  31. useCalc(calc,"+3="); // +3=ERR
  32. useCalc(calc,"51="); // 51

Try the exercise for yourself, then check out the suggested solution at the end of this appendix.

As you work on this exercise, also spend some time considering the pros/cons of representing the calculator as a module as opposed to the closure-function approach from the previous exercise.

BONUS: write out a few sentences explaining your thoughts.

BONUS #2: try converting your module to other module formats, including: UMD, CommonJS, and ESM (ES Modules).