Nested Scope

When it comes time to execute the getStudentName() function, Engine asks for a Scope Manager instance for that function’s scope, and it will then proceed to look up the parameter (studentID) to assign the 73 argument value to, and so on.

The function scope for getStudentName(..) is nested inside the global scope. The block scope of the for-loop is similarly nested inside that function scope. Scopes can be lexically nested to any arbitrary depth as the program defines.

Each scope gets its own Scope Manager instance each time that scope is executed (one or more times). Each scope automatically has all its identifiers registered at the start of the scope being executed (this is called “variable hoisting”; see Chapter 5).

At the beginning of a scope, if any identifier came from a function declaration, that variable is automatically initialized to its associated function reference. And if any identifier came from a var declaration (as opposed to let/const), that variable is automatically initialized to undefined so that it can be used; otherwise, the variable remains uninitialized (aka, in its “TDZ,” see Chapter 5) and cannot be used until its full declaration-and-initialization are executed.

In the for (let student of students) { statement, students is a source reference that must be looked up. But how will that lookup be handled, since the scope of the function will not find such an identifier?

To explain, let’s imagine that bit of conversation playing out like this:

Engine: Hey, Scope Manager (for the function), I have a source reference for students, ever heard of it?

(Function) Scope Manager: Nope, never heard of it. Try the next outer scope.

Engine: Hey, Scope Manager (for the global scope), I have a source reference for students, ever heard of it?

(Global) Scope Manager: Yep, it was formally declared, here it is.

One of the key aspects of lexical scope is that any time an identifier reference cannot be found in the current scope, the next outer scope in the nesting is consulted; that process is repeated until an answer is found or there are no more scopes to consult.

Lookup Failures

When Engine exhausts all lexically available scopes (moving outward) and still cannot resolve the lookup of an identifier, an error condition then exists. However, depending on the mode of the program (strict-mode or not) and the role of the variable (i.e., target vs. source; see Chapter 1), this error condition will be handled differently.

Undefined Mess

If the variable is a source, an unresolved identifier lookup is considered an undeclared (unknown, missing) variable, which always results in a ReferenceError being thrown. Also, if the variable is a target, and the code at that moment is running in strict-mode, the variable is considered undeclared and similarly throws a ReferenceError.

The error message for an undeclared variable condition, in most JS environments, will look like, “Reference Error: XYZ is not defined.” The phrase “not defined” seems almost identical to the word “undefined,” as far as the English language goes. But these two are very different in JS, and this error message unfortunately creates a persistent confusion.

“Not defined” really means “not declared”—or, rather, “undeclared,” as in a variable that has no matching formal declaration in any lexically available scope. By contrast, “undefined” really means a variable was found (declared), but the variable otherwise has no other value in it at the moment, so it defaults to the undefined value.

To perpetuate the confusion even further, JS’s typeof operator returns the string "undefined" for variable references in either state:

  1. var studentName;
  2. typeof studentName; // "undefined"
  3. typeof doesntExist; // "undefined"

These two variable references are in very different conditions, but JS sure does muddy the waters. The terminology mess is confusing and terribly unfortunate. Unfortunately, JS developers just have to pay close attention to not mix up which kind of “undefined” they’re dealing with!

Global… What!?

If the variable is a target and strict-mode is not in effect, a confusing and surprising legacy behavior kicks in. The troublesome outcome is that the global scope’s Scope Manager will just create an accidental global variable to fulfill that target assignment!


  1. function getStudentName() {
  2. // assignment to an undeclared variable :(
  3. nextStudent = "Suzy";
  4. }
  5. getStudentName();
  6. console.log(nextStudent);
  7. // "Suzy" -- oops, an accidental-global variable!

Here’s how that conversation will proceed:

Engine: Hey, Scope Manager (for the function), I have a target reference for nextStudent, ever heard of it?

(Function) Scope Manager: Nope, never heard of it. Try the next outer scope.

Engine: Hey, Scope Manager (for the global scope), I have a target reference for nextStudent, ever heard of it?

(Global) Scope Manager: Nope, but since we’re in non-strict-mode, I helped you out and just created a global variable for you, here it is!


This sort of accident (almost certain to lead to bugs eventually) is a great example of the beneficial protections offered by strict-mode, and why it’s such a bad idea not to be using strict-mode. In strict-mode, the Global Scope Manager would instead have responded:

(Global) Scope Manager: Nope, never heard of it. Sorry, I’ve got to throw a ReferenceError.

Assigning to a never-declared variable is an error, so it’s right that we would receive a ReferenceError here.

Never rely on accidental global variables. Always use strict-mode, and always formally declare your variables. You’ll then get a helpful ReferenceError if you ever mistakenly try to assign to a not-declared variable.

Building On Metaphors

To visualize nested scope resolution, I prefer yet another metaphor, an office building, as in Figure 3:

Scope "Building"

Fig. 3: Scope “Building”

The building represents our program’s nested scope collection. The first floor of the building represents the currently executing scope. The top level of the building is the global scope.

You resolve a target or source variable reference by first looking on the current floor, and if you don’t find it, taking the elevator to the next floor (i.e., an outer scope), looking there, then the next, and so on. Once you get to the top floor (the global scope), you either find what you’re looking for, or you don’t. But you have to stop regardless.