1. <vuestic-tree-root>
  2. <vuestic-tree-category label="Apparel">
  3. <vuestic-tree-node>Jackets</vuestic-tree-node>
  4. </vuestic-tree-category>
  5. </vuestic-tree-root>


Tree view is composed of 3 components:

  • vuestic-tree-root - Tree root.
  • vuestic-tree-category - Tree category. You can keep category inside root or another category.
  • vuestic-tree-node - Tree node. You can keep node inside root or category.
    Let's break them apart:


Public methods:

  • collapse - collapse tree root
  • expand - expand tree root and nested categories (recursively)
    You can call expand and collapse via refs. Check example if you must.


Public methods:

  • collapse - collapse category
  • expand - expand category and nested categories (recursively)
    We also got an icon slot to simplify padding your icon. Here's an example


  • label - String | Number - category label
  • isOpen - Boolean - defines default open|closed state. prop is bound unidirectionaly (component won't emit changes).



  • checkbox
  • icon
  • iconRightThey just provide utility paddings.

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