
  1. <va-button
  2. outline
  3. color="success"
  4. icon="brandico brandico-facebook"
  5. >
  6. Button 1
  7. </va-button>
  9. <va-button
  10. flat large
  11. color="info"
  12. icon="brandico brandico-facebook"
  13. icon-right="iconicstroke iconicstroke-info"
  14. >
  15. Button 2
  16. </va-button>
  18. <va-button
  19. small color="warning"
  20. icon-right="iconicstroke iconicstroke-info"
  21. href="http://epic-spinners.epicmax.co/"
  22. >
  23. Button 3
  24. </va-button>
  26. <va-button outline small icon="ion-md-close ion"/>


  • tag - String (default: 'button') - use this property to set the tag of element, which behaviour is more suitable for your button.
  • outline - Boolean - use v-bind:outline="true" to set outline type of button
  • flat - Boolean - use v-bind:flat="true" to set flat type of button
  • color - String (default: 'success') - use this property to set the color of the button. We can choose one color from a set of theme colors (primary, secondary, info, error, warning)
  • small - Boolean - use v-bind:small="true" to set small size of modal
  • large - Boolean - use v-bind:large="true" to set large size of modal
  • icon - Boolean - use v-bind:icon="true" to set icon from the left side of the button
  • iconRight - Boolean - use v-bind:iconRight="true" to set icon from the right side of the button
  • type - String - native attribute for button
  • href - String - native attribute for a-link button
  • target - String - native attribute for a-link button
  • to - String - native attribute for router-link
  • replace - Boolean - native attribute for router-link button
  • append - Boolean - native attribute for router-link button
  • to - String | Object - native attribute for router-link button
  • exact - Boolean - native attribute for router-link button
  • exactActiveClass - String - native attribute for router-link button


Button groups

This component is used to group set of buttons. Buttons in this case save their pre-defined behaviour.

  1. <va-button-group>
  2. <va-button color="danger" icon="maki maki-art-gallery"> First </va-button>
  3. <va-button color="danger"> Second </va-button>
  4. <va-button color="danger"> Third </va-button>
  5. </va-button-group>
  7. <va-button-group>
  8. <va-button color="dark"> One </va-button>
  9. <va-button color="dark"> Two </va-button>
  10. <va-button color="dark"> Three </va-button>
  11. <va-button color="dark" icon="ion-ios-arrow-down arrow-down"/>
  12. </va-button-group>

Used without any props. Buttons are inserted in default slot.

Button toggles

This component is used as an alternative for radio-button.

  1. <va-button-toggle
  2. v-model="model"
  3. options="options"
  4. toggle-color="warning"/>
  1. export default {
  2. data () {
  3. return {
  4. options: [
  5. { label: 'One', value: 'one' },
  6. { label: 'Two', value: 'two' },
  7. { label: 'Three', value: 'three' }
  8. ],
  9. model: 'two'
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }


  • options - Array. Contains objects with value and label properties. Button entities will be created according to this array.
  • value - String. Value of active button in button toggle component.
  • toggle-color - String. Set color of active button in button toggle component. Toggle colors variety is the same as variety of colors for buttons.
  • outline - Boolean.
  • flat - Boolean.
  • disabled - Boolean.
  • color - String.
  • small - Boolean.
  • large - Boolean.


This component is used to separate data, what helps user to receive information easier. Integrated in tables and lists.

  1. <va-pagination
  2. small
  3. :pages="10"
  4. color="success"
  5. v-model="activePage"
  6. />
  8. <va-pagination
  9. :pages="10"
  10. :visible-pages="3"
  11. :icon="{ direction: 'fa fa-volume-off' }"
  12. :boundary-links="false"
  13. v-model="activePage"
  14. />
  1. export default {
  2. data () {
  3. return {
  4. activePage: 2
  5. }
  6. }
  7. }


  • value - Number - value of active button in pagination component.
  • length - Number (default: 5) - amount of buttons (instead of navigation buttons) that are shown in the component at one moment.
  • totalPages - Number - amount of all pages. If it is not specified, it is equal to length value.
  • disabled - Boolean.
  • small - Boolean.
  • large - Boolean.
  • color - String (default: 'info').
  • boundaryLinks - Boolean - shows boundary ('>>', '<<') icons.
  • directionLinks - Boolean - shows direction ('>', '<') icons.
  • icon - Object (default: { direction: 'fa fa-angle-left', boundary: 'fa fa-angle-double-left' }) - change left icons. Values of object properties are icon classes.
  • iconRight - Object (default: { direction: 'fa fa-angle-right', boundary: 'fa fa-angle-double-right' }) - change right icons. Values of object properties are icon classes.
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