» Experimental Feature Flag

Some features that aren't ready for release can be enabled through this featureflag. There are a couple of different ways of going about enabling these features.It is also worth noting that Vagrant will not validate the existence of a featureflag.

For example if you are on Linux or Mac, and you wish to enable every single experimental feature, you can set the flagto "on" by setting it to 1:


You can also enable some or many features if there are specific ones you would like,but don't want every single feature enabled:

  1. # Only enables feature_one
  2. export VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL="feature_one"
  1. # Enables both feature_one and feature_two
  2. export VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL="feature_one,feature_two"

» Valid experimental features

Advanced topic! This is an advanced topic for use only ifyou want to use new Vagrant features. If you are just gettingstarted with Vagrant, you may safely skip this section.

This is a list of all the valid experimental features that Vagrant recognizes:

» typed_triggers

Enabling this feature allows triggers to recognize and execute :type triggers.More information about how these should be used can be found on the trigger documentation page