
This section contains instructions for some Debian- and RPM-based distributions. The installation should be very similar on other Linux distributions.

Debian and Ubuntu

On Debian and Ubuntu, it is easiest to use OpenJDK, as it is available in the standard package repositories. Similarly, Maven, Git, and Node.js are available from a repository. The Node.js package includes npm, the Node package manager used for handling frontend dependencies.

  1. Install Node.js package sources

    Most distributions do not have a sufficiently new Node.js version through their package manager. Begin by adding the latest Node.js LTS repository to your APT sources:

    1. $ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  2. Install the development tools

    You can install all the needed development tools easily with:

    1. $ sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk maven git nodejs

If your system does not have sudo installed, execute the above commands as root.

Fedora and RHEL

On Fedora (since 18) and RHEL (since 8), you use the DNF package manager.

  1. Install the development tools:

    1. $ sudo dnf -y install java-11-openjdk.x86_64 maven nodejs
  2. Ensure that you are running Java 11 by running:

    1. $ java -version

    If you are not using 11, change it with:

    1. $ sudo alternatives --config java

    Select OpenJDK 11.

RPM-based Systems Using YUM

  1. Install Node.js package sources

    Most distributions do not have a sufficiently new Node.js version through their package manager. Begin by adding the latest Node.js LTS repository to your APT sources:

    1. $ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  2. Install the development tools:

    1. $ sudo yum install -y java-11-openjdk-devel.x86_64 maven git nodejs
  3. Ensure that you are running Java 11 by running:

    1. $ java -version

    If you are not using 11, change it with:

    1. $ sudo alternatives --config java


On OpenSuSE, you use the zypper package manager as follows:

  1. $ sudo zypper install java-11-openjdk maven nodejs12

Depending on your system version, you may need to install package repositories or do some other steps.

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, you use the pacman package manager as follows:

  1. $ pacman -S jdk11-openjdk maven nodejs

Depending on your system version, you may need to install package repositories or do some other steps.

Installing Amazon Corretto

If you want to install Amazon Corretto rather than OpenJDK, you either have to add the package repository or install it from a DEB, RPM, or a tar package.


Updated 2021-03-08  Edit this article