
We’ve created a host of code-focused tutorials that will help you get started with TimescaleDB.

Most of these tutorials require a working installation of TimescaleDB.

Common scenarios for using TimescaleDB

  • Start Here - Hello Timescale: If you are new to TimescaleDB or even SQL, check out our tutorial with NYC taxicab data to get an idea of the capabilities our database has to offer.
  • Time-series Forecasting: Use R, Apache MADlib and Python to perform data analysis and make forecasts on your data.
  • Analyze Cryptocurrency Data: Use TimescaleDB to analyze historic cryptocurrency data. Learn how to build your own schema, ingest data, and analyze information in TimescaleDB.

How to use specific TimescaleDB features

  • Scaling out TimescaleDB: Distribute data across multiple nodes to scale out your TimescaleDB cluster.
  • Replication: TimescaleDB takes advantage of well established PostgreSQL methods for replication. Here we provide a detailed guide along with additional resources for setting up streaming replicas.
  • Continuous Aggregates: Getting started with continuous aggregates.

Integrating with Prometheus

Integrating with Grafana

Integrating with other products

Language quick-starts

Additional resources

  • Sample data sets: And if you want to explore on your own with some sample data, we have some ready-made data sets for you to explore.
  • Simulate IoT Sensor Data: Simulate a basic IoT sensor dataset on PostgreSQL or TimescaleDB.
  • psql installation: psql is a terminal-based front-end for PostgreSQL. Learn how to install psql on Mac, Ubuntu, Debian, Windows, and pick up some valuable psql tips and tricks along the way.