sparse.sandbox – Sparse Op Sandbox
Convolution-like operations with sparse matrix multiplication.
To read about different sparse formats, seeU{}.
@todo: Automatic methods for determining best sparse format?
- class
[source] - Build indices for a sparse CSC matrix that could implement A(convolve) B.
This generates a sparse matrix M, which generates a stack of image patches when computing the dot product of M with image patch. Convolution is then simply the dot product of (img x M) and the kernels.
- static
(inshp, kshp, strides=(1, 1), nkern=1, mode='valid', ws=True)[source] - Build a sparse matrix which can be used for performing… convolution: in this case, the dot product of this matrixwith the input images will generate a stack of imagespatches. Convolution is then a tensordot operation of thefilters and the patch stack. sparse local connections: in this case, the sparse matrixallows us to operate the weight matrix as if it werefully-connected. The structured-dot with the input image givesthe output for the following layer.
- **ker_shape** – shape of kernel to apply (smaller than image)
- **img_shape** – shape of input images
- **mode** – ‘valid’ generates output only when kernel andimage overlap overlap fully. Convolution obtainedby zero-padding the input
- **ws** – must be always True
- **(****dx****,****dy****)** – offset parameter. In the case of no weight sharing,gives the pixel offset between two receptive fields.With weight sharing gives the offset between thetop-left pixels of the generated patchesReturn type:
tuple(indices, indptr, logical_shape, sp_type, out_img_shp) Returns: the structure of a sparse matrix, and the logical dimensionsof the image which will be the result of filtering.
(kerns, kshp, nkern, images, imgshp, step=(1, 1), bias=None, mode='valid', flatten=True)[source]- Convolution implementation by sparse matrix multiplication.
Note:For best speed, put the matrix which you expect to besmaller as the ‘kernel’ argument
“images” is assumed to be a matrix of shape batch_size x img_size,where the second dimension represents each image in raster order
If flatten is “False”, the output feature map will have shape:
- batch_size x number of kernels x output_size
If flatten is “True”, the output feature map will have shape:
- batch_size x number of kernels * output_size
IMPORTANT: note that this means that each feature map (imagegenerate by each kernel) is contiguous in memory. The memorylayout will therefore be: [
kerns is a 2D tensor of shape nkern x
- kerns – 2D tensor containing kernels which are applied at every pixel
- kshp – tuple containing actual dimensions of kernel (not symbolic)
- nkern – number of kernels/filters to apply.nkern=1 will apply one common filter to all input pixels
- images – tensor containing images on which to apply convolution
- imgshp – tuple containing image dimensions
- step – determines number of pixels between adjacent receptive fields(tuple containing dx,dy values)
- mode – ‘full’, ‘valid’ see CSM.evaluate function for details
- sumdims – dimensions over which to sum for the tensordot operation.By default ((2,),(1,)) assumes kerns is a nkern x kernsizematrix and images is a batchsize x imgsize matrixcontaining flattened images in raster order
- flatten – flatten the last 2 dimensions of the output. By default,instead of generating a batchsize x outsize x nkern tensor,will flatten to batchsize x outsize*nkernReturns: out1, symbolic result Returns: out2, logical shape of the output img (nkern,heigt,width) TODO: test for 1D and think of how to do n-d convolutions
(_images, imgshp, maxpoolshp)[source]- Implements a max pooling layer
Takes as input a 2D tensor of shape batch_size x img_size andperforms max pooling. Max pooling downsamples by taking the maxvalue in a given area, here defined by maxpoolshp. Outputs a 2Dtensor of shape batch_size x output_size.
- images – 2D tensor containing images on which to apply convolution.Assumed to be of shape batch_size x img_size
- imgshp – tuple containing image dimensions
- maxpoolshp – tuple containing shape of area to max pool overReturns: out1, symbolic result (2D tensor) Returns: out2, logical shape of the output
- class
(format, dtype)[source] - Return a sparse matrix having random values from a binomialdensity having number of experiment n and probability of succesp.
WARNING: This Op is NOT deterministic, as calling it twice with thesame inputs will NOT give the same result. This is a violation ofTheano’s contract for Ops
- n – Tensor scalar representing the number of experiment.
- p – Tensor scalar representing the probability of success.
- shape – Tensor vector for the output shape.Returns: A sparse matrix of integers representing the numberof success.
- class
[source] - Return a sparse matrix having random values from a multinomialdensity having number of experiment n and probability of succesp.
WARNING: This Op is NOT deterministic, as calling it twice with thesame inputs will NOT give the same result. This is a violation ofTheano’s contract for Ops
- n – Tensor type vector or scalar representing the number ofexperiment for each row. If n is a scalar, it will beused for each row.
- p – Sparse matrix of probability where each row is a probabilityvector representing the probability of succes. N.B. Each rowmust sum to one.Returns: A sparse matrix of random integers from a multinomial densityfor each row. Note: It will works only if p have csr format.
- class
[source] - Return a sparse having random values from a Poisson densitywith mean from the input.
WARNING: This Op is NOT deterministic, as calling it twice with thesame inputs will NOT give the same result. This is a violation ofTheano’s contract for Ops
Parameters:x – Sparse matrix.Returns:A sparse matrix of random integers of a Poisson densitywith mean of x element wise.