
窗口管理器快捷键只可以在 Normal 模式下使用,默认的前缀按键为 s,可以在配置文件中通过修改SpaceVim 选项 window_leader 的值来设为其他按键:

按键 描述
q Smart buffer close
s+p Split nicely
s+v :split
s+g :vsplit
s+t Open new tab (:tabnew)
s+o Close other windows (:only)
s+x Remove buffer, leave blank window
s+q Remove current buffer, left buffer in the tabline will be displayed. If there is no buffer on the left, the right buffer will be displayed; if this is the last buffer in the tabline, then an empty buffer will be displayed.
s+Q Close current buffer (:close)
Tab Next window or tab
Shift+Tab Previous window or tab
<leader>+sv Split with previous buffer
<leader>+sg Vertically split with previous buffer

SpaceVim has mapped normal q as smart buffer close, the normal func of qcan be get by <leader> q r

Key Mode Action
<leader>+y visual Copy selection to X11 clipboard (“+y)
Ctrl+c Normal Copy full path of current buffer to X11 clipboard
<leader>+Ctrl+c Normal Copy github.com url of current buffer to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo)
<leader>+Ctrl+l Normal/visual Copy github.com url of current lines to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo)
<leader>+p Normal/visual Paste selection from X11 clipboard (“+p)
Ctrl+f Normal Smart page forward (C-f/C-d)
Ctrl+b Normal Smart page backwards (C-b/C-u)
Ctrl+e Normal Smart scroll down (3C-e/j)
Ctrl+y Normal Smart scroll up (3C-y/k)
Ctrl+q Normal Ctrl+w
Ctrl+x Normal Switch buffer and placement
Up,Down Normal Smart up and down
} Normal After paragraph motion go to first non-blank char (}^)
< Visual/Normal Indent to left and re-select
> Visual/Normal Indent to right and re-select
Tab Visual Indent to right and re-select
Shift+Tab Visual Indent to left and re-select
gp Normal Select last paste
Q/gQ Normal Disable EX-mode ()
Ctrl+a Command Navigation in command line
Ctrl+b Command Move cursor backward in command line
Ctrl+f Command Move cursor forward in command line