Upgrade notes

These notes give additional information about changes.
Please always follow the main upgrade guide.


This documentation is just done from V4 + !

Upgrade Notes V6.x.x

Important release changes

From this version, the Wiki module is hidden by default. Users will not be able to turn it on. For compatibility with older versions, it can be turned on by adding the following line to seahub_settings.py:

  1. ENABLE_WIKI = True


Video Thumbnails

Enable or disable thumbnail for video. ffmpeg and moviepy should be installed first.
For details, please refer to the manual.


The system requires some minor changes to support the OnlyOffice document server.
Please follow the instructions here.

Pip Pillow upgrade

  1. # for Ubuntu 16.04
  2. sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
  3. pip install --upgrade Pillow
  4. # If the pillow installation fails you may install
  5. # "build-dep python-imaging" instead of just "libjpeg-dev"
  6. # for Debian 8
  7. apt-get install libjpeg-dev
  8. pip install --upgrade Pillow
  9. # If the pillow installation fails you may install
  10. # "build-dep python-imaging" instead of just "libjpeg-dev"
  11. # for Centos 7
  12. sudo yum install libjpeg-dev
  13. pip install --upgrade Pillow

Seahub does not start

In case Seahub does not start after the upgrade, install python-requests.

  1. sudo apt-get install python-requests

V6.0.0 - V6.0.9

There are no other special instructions.

Upgrade Notes V5.x.x

Important release changes

In Seafile 5.0, we moved all config files to the folder /seafile-root/conf, including:

  • seahub_settings.py -> conf/seahub_settings.py
  • ccnet/ccnet.conf -> conf/ccnet.conf
  • seafile-data/seafile.conf -> conf/seafile.conf
  • [pro only] pro-data/seafevents.conf -> conf/seafevents.conf


Python upgrade
If you upgrade to 5.1.4+, you need to install the python 3 libs:

  1. # for Ubuntu 16.04
  2. sudo apt-get install python-urllib3
  3. # for Debian 8
  4. apt-get install python-urllib3
  5. # for Centos 7
  6. sudo yum install python-urllib3
  7. # for Arch Linux
  8. pacman -Sy python2-urllib3

V5.0.0 - V5.1.3

Nothing to be installed/changed.

Upgrade Notes V4.x.x

These notes just give additional information about changes within each major version.
Please always follow the main installation guide.

Important release changes

V4.3.1 - V4.4.6

There are no other special instructions.


Change the setting of THUMBNAIL_DEFAULT_SIZE from string to number in seahub_settings.py:


V4.2.0 - V4.2.3

Note when upgrading to 4.2:
If you deploy Seafile in a non-root domain, you need to add the following extra settings in seahub_settings.py:

  2. STATIC_URL = MEDIA_URL + '/assets/'

V4.0.0 - V4.1.2

There are no other special instructions.