Part 5: Binary Number System

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Binary numbers are what define the core of a computer. A bit within a computer is either on or off. A bit has either electricity turned on to it or it is absent of such. We will dive into this deeper in future tutorials.

Puzzled and confused, where do we go from here?

Have no fear! The binary number system is here! It is important to understand that in binary, each column has a value two times the column to its right and there are only two digits in the base which happen to be 0 and 1.

In decimal, base 10, say we have the number 15 which means (1 x 10) + (5 x 1) = 15 therefore the 5 is the number times 1 and the 1 is that number times 10.

Binary works in a similar fashion however we are now referring to base 2. That same number in binary is 1111. To illustrate:

Part 5: Binary Number System - 图1

Binary numbers are important because using them instead of the decimal system simplifies the design of computers and related technologies. The simplest definition of the binary number system is a system of numbering that uses only two digits, as we mentioned above, to represent numbers necessary for a computer architecture rather than using the digits 1 through 9 plus 0 to represent such.

In our next lesson we discuss the hexadecimal number system. It only gets more exciting from here!