iOS 导航器

iOS 导航器包装了 UIKit 导航,并且允许你添加跨应用程序的 back-swipe 功能。


路线是用于描述导航器每个页面的一个对象。第一个提供给 NavigatorIOS 的路线是 initialRoute

  1. render: function() {
  2. return (
  3. <NavigatorIOS
  4. initialRoute={{
  5. component: MyView,
  6. title: 'My View Title',
  7. passProps: { myProp: 'foo' },
  8. }}
  9. />
  10. );
  11. },

现在将由导航器呈现 MyView。它将在 route 道具,导航器及所有的 passProps 指定的道具中接受一个路线对象。

路线完整的定义请看 initialRoute propType。


Navigator 是视图能够调用的导航函数的一个对象。它作为一个道具会被传递给任何由 NavigatorIOS 呈现的组件。

  1. var MyView = React.createClass({
  2. _handleBackButtonPress: function() {
  3. this.props.navigator.pop();
  4. },
  5. _handleNextButtonPress: function() {
  6. this.props.navigator.push(nextRoute);
  7. },
  8. ...
  9. });


  • push(route)——导航到一个新的路线
  • pop()——返回一个页面
  • popN(n)——一次返回 N 页。当 N=1 时,该行为相当于 pop()
  • replace(route)——取代当前页面的路线,并立即为新路线加载视图
  • replacePrevious(route)——取代前一页的路线/视图
  • replacePreviousAndPop(route)——取代了以前的路线/视图并转换回去
  • resetTo(route)——取代顶级的项目并 popToTop
  • popToRoute(route)——为特定的路线对象回到项目
  • popToTop()——回到顶级项目

导航功能在 NavigatorIOS 组件中也是可用的:

  1. var MyView = React.createClass({
  2. _handleNavigationRequest: function() {
  3. this.refs.nav.push(otherRoute);
  4. },
  5. render: () => (
  6. <NavigatorIOS
  7. ref="nav"
  8. initialRoute={...}
  9. />
  10. ),
  11. });


Edit on GitHub

initialRoute {组件:函数型,标题:字符串型,passProps:对象型,backButtonTitle:字符串型,rightButtonTitle:字符串型,onRightButtonPress:函数型,wrapperStyle:[对象型Object]}

NavigatorIOS 使用“路线”对象来识别子视图,道具,及导航栏的配置。“push”和所有其他的导航操作预计路线是这样的:

itemWrapperStyle View#style

默认的包为 navigator 中的组件设置样式。一个常见的用例是为每一页设置 backgroundColor

tintColor 字符串型



Edit on GitHub

  1. 'use strict';
  2. var React = require('react-native');
  3. var ViewExample = require('./ViewExample');
  4. var createExamplePage = require('./createExamplePage');
  5. var {
  6. PixelRatio,
  7. ScrollView,
  8. StyleSheet,
  9. Text,
  10. TouchableHighlight,
  11. View,
  12. } = React;
  13. var EmptyPage = React.createClass({
  14. render: function() {
  15. return (
  16. <View style={styles.emptyPage}>
  17. <Text style={styles.emptyPageText}>
  18. {this.props.text}
  19. </Text>
  20. </View>
  21. );
  22. },
  23. });
  24. var NavigatorIOSExample = React.createClass({
  25. statics: {
  26. title: '<NavigatorIOS>',
  27. description: 'iOS navigation capabilities',
  28. },
  29. render: function() {
  30. var recurseTitle = 'Recurse Navigation';
  31. if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) {
  32. recurseTitle += ' - more examples here';
  33. }
  34. return (
  35. <ScrollView style={styles.list}>
  36. <View style={styles.line}/>
  37. <View style={}>
  38. <View style={styles.row}>
  39. <Text style={styles.rowNote}>
  40. See &lt;UIExplorerApp&gt; for top-level usage.
  41. </Text>
  42. </View>
  43. </View>
  44. <View style={styles.line}/>
  45. <View style={styles.groupSpace}/>
  46. <View style={styles.line}/>
  47. <View style={}>
  48. {this._renderRow(recurseTitle, () => {
  49. this.props.navigator.push({
  50. title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
  51. component: NavigatorIOSExample,
  52. backButtonTitle: 'Custom Back',
  53. passProps: {topExampleRoute: this.props.topExampleRoute || this.props.route},
  54. });
  55. })}
  56. {this._renderRow('Push View Example', () => {
  57. this.props.navigator.push({
  58. title: 'Very Long Custom View Example Title',
  59. component: createExamplePage(null, ViewExample),
  60. });
  61. })}
  62. {this._renderRow('Custom Right Button', () => {
  63. this.props.navigator.push({
  64. title: NavigatorIOSExample.title,
  65. component: EmptyPage,
  66. rightButtonTitle: 'Cancel',
  67. onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.pop(),
  68. passProps: {
  69. text: 'This page has a right button in the nav bar',
  70. }
  71. });
  72. })}
  73. {this._renderRow('Pop', () => {
  74. this.props.navigator.pop();
  75. })}
  76. {this._renderRow('Pop to top', () => {
  77. this.props.navigator.popToTop();
  78. })}
  79. {this._renderRow('Replace here', () => {
  80. var prevRoute = this.props.route;
  81. this.props.navigator.replace({
  82. title: 'New Navigation',
  83. component: EmptyPage,
  84. rightButtonTitle: 'Undo',
  85. onRightButtonPress: () => this.props.navigator.replace(prevRoute),
  86. passProps: {
  87. text: 'The component is replaced, but there is currently no ' +
  88. 'way to change the right button or title of the current route',
  89. }
  90. });
  91. })}
  92. {this._renderReplacePrevious()}
  93. {this._renderReplacePreviousAndPop()}
  94. {this._renderPopToTopNavExample()}
  95. </View>
  96. <View style={styles.line}/>
  97. </ScrollView>
  98. );
  99. },
  100. _renderPopToTopNavExample: function() {
  101. if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) {
  102. return null;
  103. }
  104. return this._renderRow('Pop to top NavigatorIOSExample', () => {
  105. this.props.navigator.popToRoute(this.props.topExampleRoute);
  106. });
  107. },
  108. _renderReplacePrevious: function() {
  109. if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) {
  110. // this is to avoid replacing the UIExplorerList at the top of the stack
  111. return null;
  112. }
  113. return this._renderRow('Replace previous', () => {
  114. this.props.navigator.replacePrevious({
  115. title: 'Replaced',
  116. component: EmptyPage,
  117. passProps: {
  118. text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page',
  119. },
  120. wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle,
  121. });
  122. });
  123. },
  124. _renderReplacePreviousAndPop: function() {
  125. if (!this.props.topExampleRoute) {
  126. // this is to avoid replacing the UIExplorerList at the top of the stack
  127. return null;
  128. }
  129. return this._renderRow('Replace previous and pop', () => {
  130. this.props.navigator.replacePreviousAndPop({
  131. title: 'Replaced and Popped',
  132. component: EmptyPage,
  133. passProps: {
  134. text: 'This is a replaced "previous" page',
  135. },
  136. wrapperStyle: styles.customWrapperStyle,
  137. });
  138. });
  139. },
  140. _renderRow: function(title: string, onPress: Function) {
  141. return (
  142. <View>
  143. <TouchableHighlight onPress={onPress}>
  144. <View style={styles.row}>
  145. <Text style={styles.rowText}>
  146. {title}
  147. </Text>
  148. </View>
  149. </TouchableHighlight>
  150. <View style={styles.separator} />
  151. </View>
  152. );
  153. },
  154. });
  155. var styles = StyleSheet.create({
  156. customWrapperStyle: {
  157. backgroundColor: '#bbdddd',
  158. },
  159. emptyPage: {
  160. flex: 1,
  161. paddingTop: 64,
  162. },
  163. emptyPageText: {
  164. margin: 10,
  165. },
  166. list: {
  167. backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',
  168. marginTop: 10,
  169. },
  170. group: {
  171. backgroundColor: 'white',
  172. },
  173. groupSpace: {
  174. height: 15,
  175. },
  176. line: {
  177. backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb',
  178. height: 1 / PixelRatio.get(),
  179. },
  180. row: {
  181. backgroundColor: 'white',
  182. justifyContent: 'center',
  183. paddingHorizontal: 15,
  184. paddingVertical: 15,
  185. },
  186. separator: {
  187. height: 1 / PixelRatio.get(),
  188. backgroundColor: '#bbbbbb',
  189. marginLeft: 15,
  190. },
  191. rowNote: {
  192. fontSize: 17,
  193. },
  194. rowText: {
  195. fontSize: 17,
  196. fontWeight: '500',
  197. },
  198. });
  199. module.exports = NavigatorIOSExample;