1. 概要


2. 启动参数

  1. Usage of /usr/local/bin/node:
  2. --api-addr string the api server listen address (default ":6100")
  3. --checkInterval-second int the interval time of healthy check (default 5)
  4. --collector.diskstats.ignored-devices string Regexp of devices to ignore for diskstats. (default "^(ram|loop|fd|(h|s|v|xv)d[a-z]|nvme\\d+n\\d+p)\\d+$")
  5. --collector.filesystem.ignored-fs-types string Regexp of filesystem types to ignore for filesystem collector. (default "^(sysfs|autofs|procfs|proc)$")
  6. --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points string Regexp of mount points to ignore for filesystem collector. (default "^/(sys|proc|dev)($|/)")
  7. --config-path string the path of config to store(new) (default "/rainbond/acp_configs")
  8. --db-type string db type mysql or etcd (default "mysql")
  9. --etcd stringSlice the path of node in etcd (default [])
  10. --etcd-dialTimeOut duration etcd cluster dialTimeOut. (default 2s)
  11. --event-log-server stringSlice host:port slice of event log server (default [])
  12. --execRecordPath string the path of job exec record (default "/rainbond/exec_record")
  13. --failTime int the fail time of healthy check (default 3)
  14. --hostIP string the host ip you can define. default get ip from eth0
  15. --init-status string the path of init status to store (default "/rainbond/init_status")
  16. --installed-marker string the path of a file for check node is installed (default "/etc/acp_node/check/install/success")
  17. --jobPath string the path of job in etcd (default "/rainbond/jobs")
  18. --k8sNode string the path of k8s node (default "/store/nodes/")
  19. --kube-conf string absolute path to the kubeconfig file ./kubeconfig
  20. --lockPath string the path of lock in etcd (default "/rainbond/lock")
  21. --lockttl int lock ttl (default 600)
  22. --log-level string the log level (default "info")
  23. --min-resync-period duration The resync period in reflectors will be random between MinResyncPeriod and 2*MinResyncPeriod (default 12h0m0s)
  24. --mysql string mysql db connection info (default "admin:admin@tcp(")
  25. --nodePath string the path of node in etcd (default "/rainbond/nodes")
  26. --nodeid-file string the unique ID for this node. Just specify, don't modify (default "/opt/rainbond/etc/node/node_host_uuid.conf")
  27. --noderule compute current node rule,maybe is compute `manage` `storage` (default "compute")
  28. --onlineNodePath string the path of master node in etcd (default "/rainbond/onlinenodes")
  29. --path.procfs string procfs mountpoint. (default "/proc")
  30. --path.sysfs string sysfs mountpoint. (default "/sys")
  31. --procPath string the path of proc in etcd (default "/rainbond/task/proc/")
  32. --procreq int proc req (default 5)
  33. --procttl int proc ttl (default 600)
  34. --prometheus string the prometheus api (default "http://localhost:9999")
  35. --reqTimeOut int req TimeOut. (default 2)
  36. --run-mode string the acp_node run mode,could be 'worker' or 'master' (default "worker")
  37. --service-endpoint-reg-path string For registry service entpoint info into etcd then path. (default "/rainbond/nodes/target")
  38. --service-list-file string A list of the node include components (default "/opt/rainbond/conf/manager-services.yaml")
  39. --service-manager string For service management tool on the system. (default "systemd")
  40. --servicePath string the path of service info to store (default "/traefik/backends")
  41. --static-task-path string the file path of static task (default "/etc/goodrain/rainbond-node")
  42. --statsd.listen-address string The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. DEPRECATED, use statsd.listen-udp instead.
  43. --statsd.listen-tcp string The TCP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. "" disables it. (default ":9125")
  44. --statsd.listen-udp string The UDP address on which to receive statsd metric lines. "" disables it. (default ":9125")
  45. --statsd.mapping-config string Metric mapping configuration file name.
  46. --statsd.read-buffer int Size (in bytes) of the operating system's transmit read buffer associated with the UDP connection. Please make sure the kernel parameters net.core.rmem_max is set to a value greater than the value specified.
  47. --ttl int node timeout second (default 10)

