1. 概要

rbd-entrance组件负责处理应用外网访问(Gateway)负载均衡设置。entrance组件中处理几类抽象模型:Pool VirtualService Node Rule Domain Certificate ,使用以上模型描述每一个服务的gateway配置,插件式对接不同的Gateway实现。开源版本中支持 openrestry-lb

2. 启动参数

  1. Usage of /run/rainbond-entrance:
  2. --api-addr string the api server listen address (default ":6200")
  3. --bind-ip string register ip to etcd, with bind-port (default "")
  4. --bind-port int register port to etcd, need bind-ip (default 6200)
  5. --cluster-name string the instance name in cluster
  6. --debug if debug true will open pprof
  7. --etcd-endpoints stringSlice etcd cluster endpoints. (default [])
  8. --etcd-prefix string the etcd data save key prefix (default "/entrance")
  9. --etcd-timeout int etcd http timeout seconds (default 5)
  10. --event-servers stringSlice event message server address. (default [])
  11. --hostIP string Current node Intranet IP
  12. --hostName string Current node host name
  13. --kube-conf string absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "./kubeconfig")
  14. --log-level string the entrance log level (default "info")
  15. --metric string prometheus metrics path (default "/metrics")
  16. --nginx-http stringSlice Nginx lb http api.
  17. --nginx-stream stringSlice Nginx stream api.
  18. --plugin-name string default lb plugin to be used. (default "zeus")
  19. --plugin-opts stringSlice default lb plugin options.
  20. --run-mode string the entrance run mode,could be 'default' or 'sync' (default "default")
  21. --token string zeus api token
  22. --ttl int register keepalive time (default 30)

