默认情况下的 RKE 集群参数配置都是默认生成的,用户只需填写 IP 端口 节点类型。但在一些高级场景中,用户需要自定义集群参数,比如修改 网络插件 Kubelet参数 等等,自定义RKE 集群参数配置将对您有用。

    为了以最佳实践的参数自动化配置,减小用户门槛。在您未完全掌握 RKE 配置参数配置之前,请谨慎配置。

    RKE集群配置 - 图1

    如上图所示,当进入 Kubernetes 集群配置页面时,点击红框处进行 Kubernetes 集群参数配置。



    1. nodes:
    2. - address:
    3. port: "22"
    4. internal_address:
    5. role:
    6. - etcd
    7. - controlplane
    8. - worker
    9. hostname_override: ""
    10. user: docker
    11. docker_socket: ""
    12. ssh_key: ""
    13. ssh_key_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    14. ssh_cert: ""
    15. ssh_cert_path: ""
    16. labels: {}
    17. # app: ingress
    18. taints: []
    19. # - key: test-key
    20. # value: test-value
    21. # effect: NoSchedule
    22. # 检测docker版本,为false时如果docker版本RKE不支持则安装失败
    23. ignore_docker_version: false
    24. # 集群级密钥证书路径
    25. ssh_key_path: ""
    26. ssh_cert_path: ""
    27. # Enable use of SSH agent to use SSH private keys with passphrase
    28. # This requires the environment `SSH_AUTH_SOCK` configured pointing
    29. # to your SSH agent which has the private key added
    30. ssh_agent_auth: false
    31. # 私有镜像仓库
    32. private_registries:
    33. - url: registry.com
    34. user: Username
    35. password: password
    36. is_default: true
    37. # 堡垒机/跳板机 配置
    38. bastion_host:
    39. address: x.x.x.x
    40. user: docker
    41. port: 22
    42. ssh_key_path: /home/user/.ssh/bastion_rsa
    43. # or
    44. # ssh_key: |-
    45. # -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    46. #
    47. # -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    48. # 设置 Kubernetes 集群名称
    49. cluster_name: mycluster
    50. # Kubernetes 版本
    51. kubernetes_version: ""
    52. # 系统镜像
    53. system_images:
    54. etcd: ""
    55. alpine: ""
    56. nginx_proxy: ""
    57. cert_downloader: ""
    58. kubernetes_services_sidecar: ""
    59. kubedns: ""
    60. dnsmasq: ""
    61. kubedns_sidecar: ""
    62. kubedns_autoscaler: ""
    63. coredns: ""
    64. coredns_autoscaler: ""
    65. nodelocal: ""
    66. kubernetes: ""
    67. flannel: ""
    68. flannel_cni: ""
    69. calico_node: ""
    70. calico_cni: ""
    71. calico_controllers: ""
    72. calico_ctl: ""
    73. calico_flexvol: ""
    74. canal_node: ""
    75. canal_cni: ""
    76. canal_controllers: ""
    77. canal_flannel: ""
    78. canal_flexvol: ""
    79. weave_node: ""
    80. weave_cni: ""
    81. pod_infra_container: ""
    82. ingress: ""
    83. ingress_backend: ""
    84. metrics_server: ""
    85. windows_pod_infra_container: ""
    86. aci_cni_deploy_container: ""
    87. aci_host_container: ""
    88. aci_opflex_container: ""
    89. aci_mcast_container: ""
    90. aci_ovs_container: ""
    91. aci_controller_container: ""
    92. aci_gbp_server_container: ""
    93. aci_opflex_server_container: ""
    94. services:
    95. etcd:
    96. # etcd目录和文件 自定义uid/gid
    97. uid: 52034
    98. gid: 52034
    99. # 如果使用外部etcd则填写以下内容
    100. # path: /etcdcluster
    101. # external_urls:
    102. # - https://etcd-example.com:2379
    103. # ca_cert: |-
    104. # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    105. # xxxxxxxxxx
    106. # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    107. # cert: |-
    108. # -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
    109. # xxxxxxxxxx
    110. # -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    111. # key: |-
    112. # -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    113. # xxxxxxxxxx
    114. # -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
    115. kube-api:
    116. # 在Kubernetes上创建的IP范围必须与 kube-controller 中的 service_cluster_ip_range 匹配
    117. service_cluster_ip_range:
    118. # 为NodePort服务公开不同的端口范围
    119. service_node_port_range: 30000-32767
    120. pod_security_policy: false
    121. image: ""
    122. extra_args: {}
    123. extra_binds: []
    124. extra_env: []
    125. win_extra_args: {}
    126. win_extra_binds: []
    127. win_extra_env: []
    128. pod_security_policy: false
    129. always_pull_images: false
    130. secrets_encryption_config: null
    131. audit_log: null
    132. admission_configuration: null
    133. event_rate_limit: null
    134. kube-controller:
    135. # CIDR池用于为集群中的pod分配IP地址
    136. cluster_cidr:
    137. # 在Kubernetes上创建的服务的IP范围必须与kube-api中的service_cluster_ip_range匹配
    138. service_cluster_ip_range:
    139. # 添加一些额外的参数
    140. extra_args:
    141. # 例如:设置日志输出的级别为调试级别
    142. v: 4
    143. kubelet:
    144. # 集群域
    145. cluster_domain: cluster.local
    146. # DNS服务IP地址
    147. cluster_dns_server:
    148. # 如果交换处于开启状态,则失败
    149. fail_swap_on: false
    150. # 配置 pod-infra-container-image
    151. pod-infra-container-image: "k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2"
    152. # 生成kubelet服务证书
    153. generate_serving_certificate: true
    154. # 添加一些额外的参数
    155. extra_args:
    156. # 设置pod最大250,而不是默认的110
    157. max-pods: 250
    158. # 存储卷绑定
    159. extra_binds:
    160. - /grlocaldata:/grlocaldata:rw,z
    161. scheduler:
    162. image: ""
    163. extra_args: {}
    164. extra_binds: []
    165. extra_env: []
    166. win_extra_args: {}
    167. win_extra_binds: []
    168. win_extra_env: []
    169. kubeproxy:
    170. image: ""
    171. extra_args: {}
    172. extra_binds: []
    173. extra_env: []
    174. win_extra_args: {}
    175. win_extra_binds: []
    176. win_extra_env: []
    177. # x509认证策略
    178. authentication:
    179. strategy: x509
    180. sans: []
    181. webhook: null
    182. # Kubernetes 授权模式
    183. # 使用 `mode: rbac` 开启 RBAC
    184. # 使用 `mode: none` 关闭 授权
    185. authorization:
    186. mode: rbac
    187. # job 超时时间 30s
    188. addon_job_timeout: 30
    189. # 可选网络插件 (canal, calico, flannel, weave, or none)
    190. network:
    191. plugin: flannel
    192. options: {}
    193. mtu: 0
    194. node_selector: {}
    195. update_strategy: null
    196. tolerations: []
    197. # 可选DNS (coredns or kube-dns or null)
    198. dns: null
    199. # 指定监控供应商 (metrics-server)
    200. monitoring:
    201. provider: none



    • 修改网络插件为 calico,修改 network.plugincalico

    默认会从dockerhub拉取 calico镜像,如需自定义镜像地址请在 system_images 指定镜像地址

    1. network:
    2. plugin: calico
    • 修改配置后,点击更新集群,等待集群更新完成即可。