You can deploy QuestDB using an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on your EC2 instances. To facilitate the process, we maintain a repository with a Packer template that you can follow to create your own AMIs.


In order to use this template, you will need:

Build the AMI

  1. Clone the repository:
  1. git clone
  1. Navigate to src and run packer:
  1. cd questdb-packer-ami/src
  2. packer build template.json



The AMI built using the template is generic. You might want to change the database configuration file:

  1. src/config/server.conf

For all the properties and values that you can set, please check the configuration page.

Logs and AWS CloudWatch

The AMI uses logrotate to automatically trim and archive logs generated by QuestDB. The AWS CloudWatch agent is also preinstalled and already configured. If you want the logs to be available on your CloudWatch dashboard, you need to:

  1. Make sure you run your EC2 with an instance profile that has the CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy IAM policy
  2. Create the necessary CloudWatch resources: /questdb-<instance-id> (with leading slash) log group and questdb-<instance-id> log stream (example of instance id: i-0c1386329d00506a2)


You can deploy QuestDB in a Kubernetes cluster using a StatefulSet and a persistent volume. We distribute QuestDB via Helm on ArtifactHub.


Get the chart

Using the Helm client, add our chart repository:

  1. helm repo add questdb

Then, update the index:

  1. helm repo update

Run QuestDB

Make sure you have a local cluster running:

  1. minikube start

Then install the chart:

  1. helm install my-questdb questdb/questdb

Finally, use the Kubernetes CLI to get the pod name:

  1. kubectl get pods



Querying QuestDB locally

In order to run queries against your local instance of QuestDB, you can use port forwarding:

  1. kubectl port-forward my-questdb-0 9000

You can use the following ports: