操作对象(Objects Manipulation)¶
针对对象属性的操作,Phalcon API 在 Zend API 基础上封装了更多的函数(kernel/object.h),通过传递标志位(flag)自动完引用计数的处理。
标志位值 | 描述 |
PH_NOISY | 值不存在时发出警告 |
PH_READONLY | 不增加引用计数 |
PH_COPY | 增加引用计数 |
函数名 |
phalcon_isset_property |
phalcon_read_property |
phalcon_update_property |
- // Instantiate a object from the Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route class entry
- object_init_ex(&route, phalcon_mvc_router_route_ce);
- // Calling the constructor and passing a pattern as parameter
- ZVAL_STRING(&pattern, "#^/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+)[/]{0,1}$#", 1);
- PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&route, "__construct", &pattern);
The above code is the same as doing in PHP:
- <?php
- $route = new Phalcon\Mvc\Router\Route("#^/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+)[/]{0,1}$#");
Moreover, if is not a Phalcon class then objects must then initialized as follows:
- zend_class_entry *reflection_ce;
- // Obtain the ReflectionClass class entry, this will also call autoloaders
- reflection_ce = zend_fetch_class(SL("ReflectionClass"), ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC);
- // Instantiate the Reflection object
- object_init_ex(&reflection, reflection_ce);
- // Pass a class name as constructor's parameter
- PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(NULL, reflection, "__construct", &class_name);
读写属性(Reading/Writing Properties)¶
Writing scalar values:
- // Create a stdClass object
- object_init(&employee);
- // $employee->name = "Sonny"
- phalcon_update_property_string(&employee, SL("name"), "Sonny");
- // $employee->age = 23
- phalcon_update_property_long(&employee, SL("age"), 23);
- // Read the "name" property $name = $employee->name
- phalcon_read_property(&name, &employee, SL("name"), PH_NOISY_CC);
Assigning other zvals to properties:
- ZVAL_STRING(&language, "English");
- object_init(&employee);
- // $employee->language = $language
- phalcon_update_property_zval(&employee, SL("language"), &language);
Reading/Writing dynamical properties:
- ZVAL_STRING(&language, "English");
- ZVAL_STRING(&property, "language");
- object_init(&employee);
- // $employee->$property = $language
- phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(&employee, &property, &language);
- // $user_language = $employee->$property
- phalcon_read_property_zval(&user_language, &employee, &property, PH_NOISY_CC);
Reading/Writing static properties:
- // Updating a static member with a string zval
- ZVAL_STRING(&greeting, "hello world");
- phalcon_update_static_property(SL("phalcon\\some\\component"), SL("_someString"), &greeting);
- // Updating a static member with a long zval
- ZVAL_LONG(number, 150);
- phalcon_update_static_property(SL("phalcon\\some\\component"), SL("_someInteger"), &number);
- // Reading a static member
- phalcon_read_static_property(&number, SL("phalcon\\some\\component"), SL("_someInteger"));