
国际化是指在设计软件时,使它可以无需做大的改变就能够适应不同的语言和地区的需要。对于 Web 应用程序,这有着特别重要的意义,因为潜在的用户可能会在全球范围内。

区域和语言(Locale And Language)

Phalcon 通过 Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\NativeArrayPhalcon\Translate\Adapter\Gettext 提供了一套轻量级的语言翻译功能。

  1. <?php
  3. $t = new \Phalcon\Translate\Adapter\Gettext(array(
  4. 'locale' => 'zh_CN.utf8',
  5. 'defaultDomain' => 'messages',
  6. 'directory' => __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale'
  7. ));
  9. echo $t->_('Hello');

创建消息列表(Creating Messages)

通过以下命令我们可以提取代码中所有类似 ("translate this words") 文本生成 _zh_CN.po 文件。

  1. $ xgettext -f *.php -d zh_CN --keyword=_ --from-code=UTF-8

接着,我们可以使用工具(poedit、vim、gedit) 对生成的 po 文件进行翻译,翻译完成后生成 mo 文件:

  1. $ msgfmt -o zh_CN.mo zh_CN.po

最后将 mo 文件拷贝到目录 locale/zh_CN.utf8/LC_MESSAGES

消息格式化(Message Format)

在要翻译的消息里,你可以嵌入一些占位符,并让它们通过动态的参数值来代替。你甚至可以根据目标语言格式的参数值来使用特殊的占位符。在下面的例子中, 占位符 {username} 在 “Hello, {username}!” 中将分别被 ‘Alexander’和’Qiang’ 所替换。

  1. <?php
  3. $username = 'Phalcon';
  4. // 输出:“Hello, Phalcon”
  5. echo $t->_('Hello, %username%!', [
  6. 'username' => $username,
  7. ]);

占位符也可以是从零开始的整数序列,比如下面的例子中, %0%%1%%2% 将分别被 $price$count$total 所替换。

  1. <?php
  3. $price = 100;
  4. $count = 1;
  5. $total = 200;
  6. echo $t->_('Price: {0}, Count: {1}, Total: {2}', [
  7. $price, $count, $total
  8. ]);

追踪消息文件(Trace Message File)


  1. $ strace -e trace=open,read php test.php

使用扩展 intl(Use Intl)

实现国际化,我们还可以使用 PECL 扩展 intl,想了解更多可以查看 PHP manual,下面简单介绍 intl 在 Phalcon 如何使用。

匹配最佳的区域设置(Find out best available Locale)

There are several ways to find out the best available locale using intl. One of them is to check the HTTP “Accept-Language” header:

  1. <?php
  3. $locale = Locale::acceptFromHttp($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]);
  5. // Locale could be something like "en_GB" or "en"
  6. echo $locale;

Below method returns a locale identified. It is used to get language, culture, or regionally-specific behavior from the Locale API.

Examples of identifiers include:

  • en-US (English, United States)
  • ru-RU (Russian, Russia)
  • zh-Hant-TW (Chinese, Traditional Script, Taiwan)
  • fr-CA, fr-FR (French for Canada and France respectively)

基于区域设置格式化信息(Formatting messages based on Locale)

Part of creating a localized application is to produce concatenated, language-neutral messages. The MessageFormatter allows for theproduction of those messages.

Printing numbers formatted based on some locale:

  1. <?php
  3. // Prints € 4 560
  4. $formatter = new MessageFormatter("fr_FR", "€ {0, number, integer}");
  5. echo $formatter->format(array(4560));
  7. // Prints USD$ 4,560.5
  8. $formatter = new MessageFormatter("en_US", "USD$ {0, number}");
  9. echo $formatter->format(array(4560.50));
  11. // Prints ARS$ 1.250,25
  12. $formatter = new MessageFormatter("es_AR", "ARS$ {0, number}");
  13. echo $formatter->format(array(1250.25));

Message formatting using time and date patterns:

  1. <?php
  3. // Setting parameters
  4. $time = time();
  5. $values = array(7, $time, $time);
  7. // Prints "At 3:50:31 PM on Apr 19, 2015, there was a disturbance on planet 7."
  8. $pattern = "At {1, time} on {1, date}, there was a disturbance on planet {0, number}.";
  9. $formatter = new MessageFormatter("en_US", $pattern);
  10. echo $formatter->format($values);
  12. // Prints "À 15:53:01 le 19 avr. 2015, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète 7."
  13. $pattern = "À {1, time} le {1, date}, il y avait une perturbation sur la planète {0, number}.";
  14. $formatter = new MessageFormatter("fr_FR", $pattern);
  15. echo $formatter->format($values);

特定区域设置的字符串比较(Locale-Sensitive comparison)

The Collator class provides string comparison capability with support for appropriate locale-sensitive sort orderings. Check theexamples below on the usage of this class:

  1. <?php
  3. // Create a collator using Spanish locale
  4. $collator = new Collator("es");
  6. // Returns that the strings are equal, in spite of the emphasis on the "o"
  7. $collator->setStrength(Collator::PRIMARY);
  8. var_dump($collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion"));
  10. // Returns that the strings are not equal
  11. $collator->setStrength(Collator::DEFAULT_VALUE);
  12. var_dump($collator->compare("una canción", "una cancion"));


Transliterator provides transliteration of strings:

  1. <?php
  3. $id = "Any-Latin; NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC; [:Punctuation:] Remove; Lower();";
  4. $transliterator = Transliterator::create($id);
  6. $string = "garçon-étudiant-où-L'école";
  7. echo $transliterator->transliterate($string); // garconetudiantoulecole

原文: http://www.myleftstudio.com/reference/i18n.html