

  1. /**
  2. * Open a table. Please notice that pegasus support two kinds of API:
  3. * 1. the client-interface way, which is provided in this class.
  4. * 2. the table-interface way, which is provided by {@link PegasusTableInterface}.
  5. * With the client-interface, you don't need to create PegasusTableInterface by openTable, so
  6. * you can access the pegasus cluster conveniently. However, the client-interface's api also has
  7. * some restrictions:
  8. * 1. we don't provide async methods in client-interface.
  9. * 2. the timeout in client-interface isn't as accurate as the table-interface.
  10. * 3. the client-interface may throw an exception when open table fails. It means that
  11. * you may need to handle this exception in every data access operation, which is annoying.
  12. * 4. You can't specify a per-operation timeout.
  13. * So we recommend you to use the table-interface.
  14. *
  15. * @param tableName the table should be exist on the server, which is created before by
  16. * the system administrator
  17. * @return the table handler
  18. * @throws PException
  19. */
  20. public PegasusTableInterface openTable(String tableName) throws PException;


  • 如果网络超时或者表不存在,都会抛出异常。使用示例:
  1. PegasusTableInterface table = client.openTable(tableName);




异步API使用Future模式,具体来说是使用的 io.netty.util.concurrent.Future (参见 https://netty.io/4.1/api/index.html )。每个异步接口的返回值都是一个Future<T>,其中T是该操作返回结果的类型。Future具有如下特性:

  • 可以通过 addListener() 方法设置一个或者多个Listener,即异步回调函数。回调函数会在操作完成时被调用;如果在add时操作已经完成,回调函数就会被立即调用;回调函数被调用的顺序与添加的顺序一致。
  • 可以通过 await() 方法等待操作完成。但是注意的是await()方法只能保证操作完成以及下面的三个方法可用,并不能保证回调函数已经被执行。
  • 在操作完成后,可以通过 isSuccess() 方法判断操作是否成功;如果成功,可以通过 getNow() 方法获取结果;如果失败,可以通过 cause() 方法获取异常。注意:第一次调用一个表的异步API的时候,函数返回之前可能会有一些额外延迟(典型地10ms左右),这是因为第一次调用时需要从meta-server获取表的信息和路由信息。


  1. // 获取Table实例
  2. PegasusTableInterface table = client.openTable(tableName);
  4. // 发起异步调用
  5. Future<Boolean> future = table.asyncExist(hashKey, sortKey, 0);
  7. // 设置回调函数
  8. future.addListener(
  9. new ExistListener() {
  10. public void operationComplete(Future<Boolean> future) throws Exception {
  11. if (future.isSuccess()) {
  12. Boolean result = future.getNow();
  13. }
  14. else {
  15. future.cause().printStackTrace();
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
  19. );
  21. // 等待操作完成
  22. future.await();