


  • 如果检查的条件满足,则将另一个SortKey(称之为SetSortKey)的value设置为新值。
  • 如果检查的条件不满足,则不执行set操作。CheckSortKey和SetSortKey可以相同也可以不同。


  1. public enum CheckType {
  2. CT_NO_CHECK(0),
  4. // appearance
  5. CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST(1), // value is not exist
  6. CT_VALUE_NOT_EXIST_OR_EMPTY(2), // value is not exist or value is empty
  7. CT_VALUE_EXIST(3), // value is exist
  8. CT_VALUE_NOT_EMPTY(4), // value is exist and not empty
  10. // match
  11. CT_VALUE_MATCH_ANYWHERE(5), // operand matches anywhere in value
  12. CT_VALUE_MATCH_PREFIX(6), // operand matches prefix in value
  13. CT_VALUE_MATCH_POSTFIX(7), // operand matches postfix in value
  15. // bytes compare
  16. CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS(8), // bytes compare: value < operand
  17. CT_VALUE_BYTES_LESS_OR_EQUAL(9), // bytes compare: value <= operand
  18. CT_VALUE_BYTES_EQUAL(10), // bytes compare: value == operand
  19. CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(11), // bytes compare: value >= operand
  20. CT_VALUE_BYTES_GREATER(12), // bytes compare: value > operand
  22. // int compare: first transfer bytes to int64; then compare by int value
  23. CT_VALUE_INT_LESS(13), // int compare: value < operand
  24. CT_VALUE_INT_LESS_OR_EQUAL(14), // int compare: value <= operand
  25. CT_VALUE_INT_EQUAL(15), // int compare: value == operand
  26. CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(16), // int compare: value >= operand
  27. CT_VALUE_INT_GREATER(17); // int compare: value > operand
  28. }
  30. public class CheckAndSetOptions {
  31. public int setValueTTLSeconds = 0; // time to live in seconds of the set value, 0 means no ttl.
  32. public boolean returnCheckValue = false; // if return the check value in results.
  33. }
  35. public class CheckAndSetResult {
  36. /**
  37. * return value for checkAndSet
  38. *
  39. * @param setSucceed true if set value succeed.
  40. * @param checkValueReturned true if the check value is returned.
  41. * @param checkValueExist true if the check value is exist; can be used only when checkValueReturned is true.
  42. * @param checkValue return the check value if exist; can be used only when checkValueExist is true.
  43. */
  44. boolean setSucceed;
  45. boolean checkValueReturned;
  46. boolean checkValueExist;
  47. byte[] checkValue;
  48. }
  50. /**
  51. * Atomically check and set value by key.
  52. * If the check condition is satisfied, then apply to set value.
  53. *
  54. * @param tableName the table name.
  55. * @param hashKey the hash key to check and set.
  56. * @param checkSortKey the sort key to check.
  57. * @param checkType the check type.
  58. * @param checkOperand the check operand.
  59. * @param setSortKey the sort key to set value if check condition is satisfied.
  60. * @param setValue the value to set if check condition is satisfied.
  61. * @param options the check-and-set options.
  62. * @return CheckAndSetResult
  63. * @throws PException throws exception if any error occurs.
  64. */
  65. public PegasusTableInterface.CheckAndSetResult checkAndSet(String tableName, byte[] hashKey, byte[] checkSortKey,
  66. CheckType checkType, byte[] checkOperand,
  67. byte[] setSortKey, byte[] setValue,
  68. CheckAndSetOptions options) throws PException;


  • 参数:需传入TableName、HashKey、CheckSortKey、CheckType、CheckOperand、SetSortKey、SetValue、Options。
    • checkSortKey、checkType、checkOperand:用于指定检查的条件。
    • setSortKey、setValue:用于指定条件检查成功后要set的新值。
    • options:其他选项,包括:
      • setValueTTLSeconds:新值的TTL时间;0表示不设置TTL限制。
      • returnCheckValue:是否需要返回CheckSortKey对应的value。
  • 返回值:CheckAndSetResult,包括:
    • setSucceed:是否set成功。
    • checkValueReturned:是否返回了CheckSortKey对应的value。
    • checkValueExist:CheckSortKey对应的value是否存在;该域只有在checkValueReturned=true时有意义。
    • checkValue:CheckSortKey对应的value值;该域只有在checkValueExist=true时有意义。
  • 异常:如果出现异常,譬如网络错误、超时错误、服务端错误等,会抛出 PException。另外以下情况也会抛出异常:
    • 如果CheckType为int compare类型的操作,且CheckOperand或者CheckValue转换为int64时出错,譬如不是合法的数字或者超出int64范围。