Migrating Existing Kubernetes APIs

Kubernetes APIs are assumed to evolve over time, hence the well-defined API versioning scheme. Upgrading your operator’s APIs can be a non-trivial task, one that will involve changing quite a few source files and manifests. This document aims to identify the complexities of migrating an operator project’s API using examples from existing operators.

While examples in this guide follow particular types of API migrations, most of the documented migration steps can be generalized to all migration types.

Upgrading one Kind to a new Version from a Version with multiple Kinds

Scenario: your Go operator test-operator has one API version v1 for group operators.example.com. You would like to migrate (upgrade) one kind CatalogSourceConfig to v2 while keeping the other v1 kind OperatorGroup in v1. These kinds will remain in group operators.example.com. Your project structure looks like the following:

  1. $ tree pkg/apis
  2. pkg/apis/
  3. ├── addtoscheme_operators_v1.go
  4. ├── apis.go
  5. └── operators
  6. └── v1
  7. ├── catalogsourceconfig_types.go
  8. ├── catalogsourceconfig.go
  9. ├── doc.go
  10. ├── operatorgroup_types.go
  11. ├── operatorgroup.go
  12. ├── phase.go
  13. ├── phase_types.go
  14. ├── register.go
  15. ├── shared.go
  16. ├── zz_generated.deepcopy.go

Relevant files:

  • catalogsourceconfig_types.go and catalogsourceconfig.go contain types and functions used by API kind type CatalogSourceConfig.
  • operatorgroup_types.go and operatorgroup.go contain types and functions used by API kind type OperatorGroup.
  • phase_types.go and phase.go contain types and functions used by non-API type Phase, which is used by both CatalogSourceConfig and OperatorGroup types.
  • shared.go contain types and functions used by both CatalogSourceConfig and OperatorGroup types.

Questions to ask yourself

  1. Scope: what files, Go source and YAML, must I modify when migrating?
  2. Shared code: do I have shared types and functions between CatalogSourceConfig and OperatorGroup? How do I want shared code refactored?
  3. Imports: which packages import those I am migrating? How do I modify these packages to import v2 and new shared package(s)?
  4. Backwards-compatibility: do I want to remove code being migrated from v1 entirely, forcing the use of v2, or support both v1 and v2 going forward?

Creating a new API Version

Creating the new version v2 is the first step in upgrading your kind CatalogSourceConfig. Use the operator-sdk to do so by running the following command:

  1. $ operator-sdk add api --api-version operators.example.com/v2 --kind CatalogSourceConfig

This command creates a new API version v2 under group operators:

  1. $ tree pkg/apis
  2. pkg/apis/
  3. ├── addtoscheme_operators_v1.go
  4. ├── addtoscheme_operators_v2.go # new addtoscheme source file for v2
  5. ├── apis.go
  6. └── operators
  7. └── v1
  8. | ├── catalogsourceconfig_types.go
  9. | ├── catalogsourceconfig.go
  10. | ├── doc.go
  11. | ├── operatorgroup_types.go
  12. | ├── operatorgroup.go
  13. | ├── phase.go
  14. | ├── phase_types.go
  15. | ├── register.go
  16. | ├── shared.go
  17. | ├── zz_generated.deepcopy.go
  18. └── v2 # new version dir with source files for v2
  19. ├── catalogsourceconfig_types.go
  20. ├── doc.go
  21. ├── register.go
  22. ├── zz_generated.deepcopy.go

In addition to creating a new API version, the command creates an addtoscheme_operators_v2.go file that exposes an AddToScheme() function for registering v2.CatalogSourceConfig and v2.CatalogSourceConfigList.

Copying shared type definitions and functions to a separate package

Now that the v2 package and related files exist, we can begin moving types and functions around. First, we must copy anything shared between CatalogSourceConfig and OperatorGroup to a separate package that can be imported by v1, v2, and future versions. We’ve identified the files containing these types above: phase.go, phase_types.go, and shared.go.

Creating a new shared package

Lets create a new package shared at pkg/apis/operators/shared for these files:

  1. $ pwd
  2. /home/user/projects/test-operator
  3. $ mkdir pkg/apis/operators/shared

This package is not a typical API because it contains types only to be used as parts of larger schema, and therefore should not be created with operator-sdk add api. It should contain a doc.go file with some package-level documentation and annotations:

  1. $ cat > pkg/apis/operators/shared/doc.go <<EOF
  2. // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register
  3. // Package shared contains types and functions used by API definitions in the
  4. // operators package
  5. // +groupName=operators.example.com
  6. package shared
  7. EOF

Global annotations necessary for using shared types in API type fields:

  • +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register: directs deepcopy-gen to generate DeepCopy() functions for all types in the shared package.
  • +groupName=operators.example.com: defines the fully qualified API group name for client-gen. Note: this annotation must be on the line above package shared.

Lastly, if you have any comments in pkg/apis/operators/v1/doc.go related to copied source code, ensure they are copied into pkg/apis/operators/shared/doc.go. Now that shared is a standalone library, more comments explaining what types and functions exist in the package and how they are intended to be used should be added.

Note: you may have helper functions or types you do not want to publicly expose, but are required by functions or types in shared. If so, create a pkg/apis/operators/internal/shared package:

  1. $ pwd
  2. /home/user/projects/test-operator
  3. $ mkdir pkg/apis/operators/internal/shared

This package does not need a doc.go file as described above.

Copying types to package shared

The three files containing shared code (phase.go, phase_types.go, and shared.go) can be copied almost as-is from v1 to shared. The only changes necessary are:

  • Changing the package statements in each file: package v1 -> package shared.
  • Moving and exporting currently unexported (private) types, their methods, and functions used by v1 types to pkg/apis/operators/internal/shared/shared.go. Exported them in an internal shared package will keep them private while allowing functions and types in shared to use them.

Additionally, deepcopy-gen must be run on the shared package to generate DeepCopy() and DeepCopyInto() methods, which are necessary for all Kubernetes API types. To do so, run the following command:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate k8s

Now that shared types and functions have their own package we can update any package that imports those types from v1 to use shared. The CatalogSourceConfig controller source file pkg/controller/catalogsourceconfig/catalogsourceconfig_controller.go imports and uses a type defined in v1, PhaseRunning, in its Reconcile() method. PhaseRunning should be imported from shared as follows:

  1. import (
  2. "context"
  3. operatorsv1 "github.com/test-org/test-operator/pkg/apis/operators/v1"
  4. // New import
  5. "github.com/test-org/test-operator/pkg/apis/operators/shared"
  6. "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/reconcile"
  7. )
  8. ...
  9. func (r *ReconcileCatalogSourceConfig) Reconcile(request reconcile.Request) (reconcile.Result, error) {
  10. ...
  11. config := &operatorsv1.CatalogSourceConfig{}
  12. err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), request.NamespacedName, config)
  13. if err != nil {
  14. ...
  15. }
  16. // Old
  17. if config.Status.CurrentPhase.Phase.Name != operatorsv1.PhaseRunning {
  18. ...
  19. }
  20. // New
  21. if config.Status.CurrentPhase.Phase.Name != shared.PhaseRunning {
  22. ...
  23. }
  24. }

Do this for all instances of types previously in v1 that are now in shared.

Following Kubernetes API version upgrade conventions, code moved to shared from v1 should be marked with “Deprecated” comments in v1 instead of being removed. While leaving these types in v1 duplicates code, it allows backwards compatibility for API users; deprecation comments direct users to switch to v2 and shared types.

Alternatively, types and functions migrated to shared can be removed in v1 to de-duplicate code. This breaks backwards compatibility because projects relying on exported types previously in v1, now in shared, will be forced to update their imports to use shared when upgrading VCS versions. If following this upgrade path, note that updating package import paths in your project will likely be the most pervasive change lines-of-code-wise in this process. Luckily the Go compiler will tell you which import path’s you have missed once CatalogSourceConfig types are removed from v1!

If any functions or types were moved to pkg/apis/operator/internal/shared, remove them from files in pkg/apis/operator/shared and import them into shared from the internal package.

Updating empty v2 types using v1 types

The CatalogSourceConfig type and schema code were generated by operator-sdk add api, but the types are not populated. We need to copy existing type data from v1 to v2. This process is similar to migrating shared code, except we do not need to export any types or functions.

Remove pkg/apis/operators/v2/catalogsourceconfig_types.go and copy catalogsourceconfig.go and catalogsourceconfig_types.go from pkg/apis/operators/v1 to pkg/apis/operators/v2:

  1. $ rm pkg/apis/operators/v2/catalogsourceconfig_types.go
  2. $ cp pkg/apis/operators/v1/catalogsourceconfig*.go pkg/apis/operators/v2

If you have any comments or custom code in pkg/apis/operators/v1 related to source code in either copied file, ensure that is copied to doc.go or register.go in pkg/apis/operators/v2.

You can now run operator-sdk generate k8s to generate deepcopy code for the migrated v2 types. Once this is done, update all packages that import the migrated v1 types to use those in v2.

Updating CustomResourceDefinition manifests and generating OpenAPI code

Now that we’ve migrated all Go types to their destination packages, we must update the corresponding CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) manifests in deploy/crds.

Doing so can be as simple as running the following command:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate crds

This command will automatically update all CRD manifests.

CRD Versioning

Kubernetes 1.11+ supports CRD spec.versions and spec.version is deprecated as of Kubernetes 1.12. SDK versions v0.10.x and below leverage controller-tools@v0.1.x’ CRD generator which generates a now-deprecated spec.version value based on the version contained in an API’s import path. Names of CRD manifest files generated by those SDK versions contain the spec.version, i.e. one CRD manifest is created per version in a group with the file name format <group>_<version>_<kind>_crd.yaml. SDK versions v0.11+ use controller-tools@v0.2.x, which generates spec.versions but not spec.version by default, and use the file name format <full_group>_<resource>_crd.yaml.


  • <full group> is the full group name of your CRD while <group> is the last subdomain of <full group>, ex. foo.bar.com vs foo. <resource> is the plural lower-case of CRD Kind specified at spec.names.plural.
  • Your CRD must specify exactly one storage version. Use the +kubebuilder:storageversion marker to indicate the GVK that should be used to store data by the API server. This marker should be in a comment above your CatalogSourceConfig type.
  • If your operator does not have custom data manually added to its CRD’s, you can skip to the following section; operator-sdk generate crds will handle CRD updates in that case.

Upgrading from spec.version to spec.versions will be demonstrated using the following CRD manifest example:


  1. apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
  2. kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  3. metadata:
  4. name: catalogsourceconfigs.operators.coreos.com
  5. spec:
  6. group: operators.coreos.com
  7. names:
  8. kind: CatalogSourceConfig
  9. listKind: CatalogSourceConfigList
  10. plural: catalogsourceconfigs
  11. singular: catalogsourceconfig
  12. scope: Namespaced
  13. validation:
  14. openAPIV3Schema:
  15. properties:
  16. apiVersion:
  17. type: string
  18. kind:
  19. type: string
  20. metadata:
  21. type: object
  22. spec:
  23. properties:
  24. size:
  25. format: int32
  26. type: integer
  27. test:
  28. type: string
  29. required:
  30. - size
  31. type: object
  32. status:
  33. properties:
  34. nodes:
  35. items:
  36. type: string
  37. type: array
  38. required:
  39. - nodes
  40. type: object
  41. version: v1
  42. subresources:
  43. status: {}

Steps to upgrade the above CRD:

  1. Rename your CRD manifest file from deploy/crds/operators_v1_catalogsourceconfig_crd.yaml to deploy/crds/operators.coreos.com_catalogsourceconfigs_crd.yaml

    1. $ mv deploy/crds/cache_v1alpha1_memcached_crd.yaml deploy/crds/operators.coreos.com_catalogsourceconfigs_crd.yaml
  2. Create a spec.versions list that contains two elements for each version that now exists (v1 and v2):

    1. spec:
    2. ...
    3. # version is now v2, as it must match the first element in versions.
    4. version: v2
    5. versions:
    6. - name: v2
    7. # Set to true for this CRD version to be enabled in-cluster.
    8. served: true
    9. # Exactly one CRD version should be a storage version.
    10. storage: true
    11. - name: v1
    12. served: true
    13. storage: false

    The first version in spec.versions must match that in spec.version if spec.version exists in the manifest.

  3. Optional: spec.versions elements have a schema field that holds a version-specific OpenAPIV3 validation block to override the global spec.validation block. spec.validation will be used by the API server to validate one or more versions in spec.versions that do not have a schema block. If all versions have the same schema, leave spec.validation as-is and skip to the following section. If your CRD versions differ in scheme, copy spec.validation YAML to the schema field in each spec.versions element, then modify as needed:

    1. spec:
    2. ...
    3. version: v2
    4. versions:
    5. - name: v2
    6. served: true
    7. storage: true
    8. schema: # v2-specific OpenAPIV3 validation block.
    9. openAPIV3Schema:
    10. properties:
    11. apiVersion:
    12. type: string
    13. ...
    14. - name: v1
    15. served: true
    16. storage: false
    17. schema: # v1-specific OpenAPIV3 validation block.
    18. openAPIV3Schema:
    19. properties:
    20. apiVersion:
    21. type: string
    22. ...

    The API server will validate each version by its own schema if the global spec.validation block is removed. No validation will be performed if a schema does not exist for a version and spec.validation does not exist.

    If the CRD targets a Kubernetes 1.13+ cluster with the CustomResourceWebhookConversion feature enabled, converting between multiple versions can be done using a conversion. The None conversion is simple and useful when the CRD spec has not changed; it only updates the apiVersion field of custom resources:

    1. spec:
    2. ...
    3. conversion:
    4. strategy: None

    More complex conversions can be done using conversion webhooks.

    TODO: document adding and using conversion webhooks to migrate v1 to v2 once the SDK controller-runtime version is bumped to v0.2.0.

    Note: read the CRD versioning docs for detailed CRD information, notes on conversion webhooks, and CRD versioning case studies.

  4. Optional: spec.versions elements have a subresources field that holds CR subresource information to override the global spec.subresources block. spec.subresources will be used by the API server to assess subresource requirements of any version in spec.versions that does not have a subresources block. If all versions have the same requirements, leave spec.subresources as-is and skip to the following section. If CRD versions differ in subresource requirements, add a subresources section in each spec.versions entry with differing requirements and add each subresource’s spec and status as needed:

    1. spec:
    2. ...
    3. version: v2
    4. versions:
    5. - name: v2
    6. served: true
    7. storage: true
    8. subresources:
    9. ...
    10. - name: v1
    11. served: true
    12. storage: false
    13. subresources:
    14. ...

    Remove the global spec.subresources block if all versions have different subresource requirements.

  5. Optional: remove spec.version, as it is deprecated in favor of spec.versions.

Migration Types and Commonalities between them

This version upgrade walkthrough demonstrates only one of several possible migration scenarios:

  • Group migration, ex. moving an API from group operators.example.com/v1 to new-group.example.com/v1alpha1.
  • Kind change, ex. CatalogSourceConfig to CatalogSourceConfigurer.
  • Some combination of group, version, and kind migration.

Each case is different; one may require many more changes than others. However, there are several themes common to all:

  1. Using operator-sdk add api to create the necessary directory structure and files used in migration.

    • Group migration using the same version, for each kind in the old group operators.example.com you want to migrate:

      1. $ operator-sdk add api --api-version new-group.example.com/v1 --kind YourKind
    • Kind migration, using the same group and version as CatalogSourceConfig:

      1. $ operator-sdk add api --api-version operators.example.com/v1 --kind CatalogSourceConfigurer
  2. Copying code from one Go package to another, ex. from v1 to v2 and shared.

  3. Changing import paths in project Go source files to those of new packages.

  4. Updating CRD manifests.

    • In many cases, having sufficient code annotations and running operator-sdk generate crds will be enough.

The Go toolchain can be your friend here too. Running go vet ./... can tell you what import paths require changing and what type instantiations are using fields incorrectly.

Last modified June 16, 2020: Switch over to new CLI and deprecate `operator-sdk new —type=go` (#3190) (e128b9e5)