Generating a ClusterServiceVersion

This document describes how to manage the following lifecycle for your Operator using the SDK’s operator-sdk generate csv command:

  • Generate your first release - encapsulate the metadata needed to install your Operator with the Operator Lifecycle Manager and configure the permissions it needs from the generated SDK files.
  • Update your Operator - apply any updates to Operator manifests made during development.
  • Upgrade your Operator - carry over any customizations you have made and ensure a rolling update to the next version of your Operator.

Note: operator-sdk generate csv only officially supports Go Operators. Ansible and Helm Operators will be fully supported in the future. However, generate csv may work with Ansible and Helm Operators if their project structure aligns with that described below.



The ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) generator requires certain input manifests to construct a CSV manifest. Each of these inputs are read every time operator-sdk generate csv is run are used to overwrite data in corresponding CSV fields (with one exception described below).

  • Path to the Operator manifests root directory. By default generate csv extracts manifests from files in deploy/ for the following kinds and adds them to the CSV. Use the --deploy-dir flag to change this path.

    • Roles: deploy/role.yaml
    • ClusterRoles: deploy/cluster_role.yaml
    • Deployments: deploy/operator.yaml
  • Path to a directory containing CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) and Custom Resource examples (CRs). Use the --crd-dir flag to change this path.

    • Custom Resources: deploy/crds/<full group>_<version>_<kind>_cr.yaml
    • CustomResourceDefinitions: deploy/crds/<full group>_<resource>_crd.yaml
  • For Go Operators only: Path to the API types root directory. The CSV generator also parses the CSV markers from the API type definitions to populate certain CSV fields. By default the API types directory is pkg/apis/. Use the --apis-dir flag to change this path. The CSV generator expects either of the following layouts for the API types directory.

    • Mulitple groups: <API-root-dir>/<group>/<version>/
    • Single groups: <API-root-dir>/<version>/
  • Interactive command prompts: operator-sdk generate csv provides the --interactive flag to optionally enable an interactive command prompt before generating a CSV that requests input for required and optional UI metadata fields. For example:

    1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --csv-version 0.1.0 --interactive=true
    2. INFO[0000] Generating CSV manifest version 0.1.0
    3. Display name for the operator (required):
    4. > memcached
    5. Comma-separated list of keywords for your operator (required):
    6. > app, operator
    7. ...

    By default, the command starts an interactive prompt if some base CSV is not present, either in the destination directory or a package manifests directory named with version --from-version=<version>.


By default generate csv will create a CSV and copy CRDs in the bundle manifests format:

  1. deploy/
  2. └── olm-catalog
  3. └── <operator-name>
  4. └── manifests
  5. ├── cache.example.com_memcacheds_crd.yaml
  6. └── <operator-name>.clusterserviceversion.yaml

Setting --make-manifests=false will create a CSV and package manifest in the package manifests format:

  1. deploy/
  2. └── olm-catalog
  3. └── <operator-name>
  4. ├── 0.0.1
  5. └── <operator-name>.v0.0.1.clusterserviceversion.yaml
  6. └── <operator-name>.package.yaml

Set the --ouput-dir flag to change where the CSV is generated.

Note: generate csv will populate many but not all fields in your CSV automatically. Subsequent calls to generate csv will warn you of missing required fields. See the list of fields below for more information.

Bundle format (default)

CSV’s are versioned by their and spec.version fields and stored in a bundle manifests directory. To create a CSV for version 0.0.1, run:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --csv-version 0.0.1

A CSV should now exist at deploy/olm-catalog/<operator-name>/manifests/<operator-name>.clusterserviceversion.yaml with <operator-name>.v0.0.1 and version 0.0.1. This command will also copy all CustomResourceDefinition manifests from deploy/crds or the value passed to --crd-dir to that CSV’s directory. Note that a valid semantic version is required.

Package manifests format

Setting --make-manifests=false will create a CSV in a versioned directory deploy/olm-catalog/<operator-name>/0.0.1/<operator-name>.v0.0.1.clusterserviceversion.yaml:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --make-manifests=false --csv-version 0.0.1

Setting --update-crds=true directs the generator to update bundled CRD manifests.

Updating your CSV

Let’s say you added a new CRD deploy/crds/group.domain.com_resource_crd.yaml to your Operator project, and added a port to your Deployment manifest operator.yaml. If using a bundle format, the current version of your CSV can be updated by running:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv

If using a package manifests format, run:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --make-manifests=false --csv-version <existing-version>

Running the command for either format will append your new CRD to spec.customresourcedefinitions.owned, replace the old data at spec.install.spec.deployments with your updated Deployment, and update your existing CSV manifest. The SDK will not overwrite user-defined fields like spec.maintainers.

Upgrading your CSV

Lets say you’re upgrading your Operator version. If using a bundle format, a new version of your CSV can be created by running:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --csv-version <new-version>

If using a package manifests format, run:

  1. $ operator-sdk generate csv --make-manifests=false --csv-version <new-version> --from-version <old-version>

Running the command for either format will persist user-defined fields, updates spec.version, and populates spec.replaces with the old CSV versions’ name.

CSV fields

Below are two lists of fields: the first is a list of all fields the SDK and OLM expect in a CSV, and the second are optional.

For Go Operators only: Several fields require user input (labeled user) or a CSV marker (labeled marker). This list may change as the SDK becomes better at generating CSV’s.


  • a unique name for this CSV. Operator version should be included in the name to ensure uniqueness, ex. app-operator.v0.1.1.
  • spec.description (user) : a thorough description of the Operator’s functionality.
  • spec.displayName (user) : a name to display for the Operator in Operator Hub.
  • spec.keywords (user) : a list of keywords describing the Operator.
  • spec.maintainers (user) : a list of human or organizational entities maintaining the Operator, with a name and email.
  • spec.provider (user) : the Operator provider, with a name; usually an organization.
  • spec.labels (user) : a list of key:value pairs to be used by Operator internals.
  • spec.version: semantic version of the Operator, ex. 0.1.1.
  • spec.installModes: what mode of installation namespacing OLM should use. Currently all but MultiNamespace are supported by SDK Operators.
  • spec.customresourcedefinitions: any CRDs the Operator uses. Certain fields in elements of owned will be filled by the SDK.
    • owned: all CRDs the Operator deploys itself from it’s bundle.
      • name: CRD’s
      • kind: CRD’s metadata.spec.names.kind.
      • version: CRD’s metadata.spec.version.
      • description (marker) : description of the CRD.
      • displayName (marker) : display name of the CRD.
      • resources (marker) : any Kubernetes resources used by the CRD, ex. Pod‘s and ConfigMap‘s.
      • specDescriptors (marker) : UI hints for inputs and outputs of the Operator’s spec.
      • statusDescriptors (marker) : UI hints for inputs and outputs of the Operator’s status.
      • actionDescriptors (user) : UI hints for an Operator’s in-cluster actions.
    • required (user) : all CRDs the Operator expects to be present in-cluster, if any. All required element fields must be populated manually.


  • metadata.annotations.alm-examples: CR examples, in JSON string literal format, for your CRD’s. Ideally one per CRD.
  • metadata.annotations.capabilities: level of Operator capability. See the Operator maturity model for a list of valid values.
  • spec.replaces: the name of the CSV being replaced by this CSV.
  • spec.links (user) : a list of URL’s to websites, documentation, etc. pertaining to the Operator or application being managed, each with a name and url.
  • spec.selector (user) : selectors by which the Operator can pair resources in a cluster.
  • spec.icon (user) : a base64-encoded icon unique to the Operator, set in a base64data field with a mediatype.
  • spec.maturity: the Operator’s maturity, ex. alpha.

Further Reading

  • Information on what goes in your CSV and CSV semantics.
  • The original design doc, which contains a thorough description how CSV’s are generated by the SDK.

Last modified May 8, 2020: docs/olm-integration revert changes from #2989, fix grammar (#2995) (1cbacad9)