operator-sdk run packagemanifests

operator-sdk run packagemanifests

Run an Operator organized in the package manifests format with OLM


Run an Operator organized in the package manifests format with OLM

  1. operator-sdk run packagemanifests [flags]


  1. -h, --help help for packagemanifests
  2. --include strings Path to Kubernetes resource manifests, ex. Role, Subscription. These supplement or override defaults generated by run/cleanup
  3. --install-mode string InstallMode to create OperatorGroup with. Format: InstallModeType[=ns1,ns2[, ...]]
  4. --kubeconfig string The file path to kubernetes configuration file. Defaults to location specified by $KUBECONFIG, or to default file rules if not set
  5. --olm-namespace string The namespace where OLM is installed (default "olm")
  6. --operator-namespace string The namespace where operator resources are created. It must already exist in the cluster or be defined in a manifest passed to --include
  7. --operator-version string Version of operator to deploy
  8. --timeout duration Time to wait for the command to complete before failing (default 2m0s)


Last modified May 22, 2020: cleanup: remove `—olm` from docs, deprecate `—kubeconfig` (#3074) (18de001b)