operator-sdk scorecard

operator-sdk scorecard

Run scorecard tests


Runs blackbox scorecard tests on an operator

  1. operator-sdk scorecard [flags]


  1. -b, --bundle string OLM bundle directory path, when specified runs bundle validation
  2. --config string config file (default is '<project_dir>/.osdk-scorecard.yaml'; the config file's extension and format must be .yaml
  3. -h, --help help for scorecard
  4. --kubeconfig string Path to kubeconfig of custom resource created in cluster
  5. -L, --list If true, only print the test names that would be run based on selector filtering
  6. -o, --output string Output format for results. Valid values: text, json (default "text")
  7. -l, --selector string selector (label query) to filter tests on
  8. --version string scorecard version. Valid values: v1alpha2 (default "v1alpha2")


Last modified April 7, 2020: fix CLI docs for website, links and frontmatter (#2799) (8323f56b)