operator-sdk build

operator-sdk build

Compiles code and builds artifacts


The operator-sdk build command compiles the Operator code into an executable binary and generates the Dockerfile manifest.

is the container image to be built, e.g. “quay.io/example/operator:v0.0.1”. This image will be automatically set in the deployment manifests.

After build completes, the image would be built locally in docker. Then it needs to be pushed to remote registry. For example:

  1. $ operator-sdk build quay.io/example/operator:v0.0.1
  2. $ docker push quay.io/example/operator:v0.0.1
  1. operator-sdk build <image> [flags]


  1. --go-build-args string Extra Go build arguments as one string such as "-ldflags -X=main.xyz=abc"
  2. -h, --help help for build
  3. --image-build-args string Extra image build arguments as one string such as "--build-arg https_proxy=$https_proxy"
  4. --image-builder string Tool to build OCI images. One of: [docker, podman, buildah] (default "docker")


Last modified January 1, 0001