
This document contains basic guidelines for submitting a new service for inclusion, or an update to an existing service in OBS.

While the same requirements apply to services that wish to add a deeper integration (e.g. OAuth) to OBS those types of PRs will require more in-depth work and are not covered by this document.

General Rules & Requirements

  1. You must be a representative of the service being added/updated
  2. PRs must follow our contribution guidelines and code of conduct
  3. Only RTMP, RTMPS, and HLS based ingests are currently allowed. FTL has been deprecated and PRs for new services will no longer be accepted.
  4. If your service is available to the public, some adoption should be visible to warrant the inclusion in OBS
  5. Your service must be released and have documentation available
    1. For public/user-generated content services: Final release or open alpha/beta/etc., closed testing stages are not permitted
    2. For non-public/commercial services: Reached general availability)
    3. Exemptions may be made at the OBS Project’s discretion. You may submit a PR in draft stage before release for review and to accelerate merge once your service becomes available

We reserve the right to reject service submissions on any reason, including but not limited to the promotion of illegal activities (e.g. piracy), harmful behaviour (e.g. harassment, hate speech), or other objectionable content.

Adding your service

Adding your service is relatively simple, and consists of the following steps:

  1. Fork and clone the obs-studio repository
  2. Add service entry to plugins/rtmp-services/data/services.json
  3. Increment package version in plugins/rtmp-services/data/package.json
  4. Test changes locally (build OBS or replace the JSON files in your existing install)
  5. Commit and push your changes to your fork, then submit a Pull Request

See the following sections for details on the JSON format and commit guidelines.

1. Adding your service entry

The JSON file currently does not use automatic formatting or checks, however we ask you to follow some simple rules:

  • 4-space wide indentation (spaces, not tabs)
  • Objects in a list have their opening and closing braces on the previous and subsequent line
  • Properties with Objects as values have the opening bracket on the same line as the property name
  • The JSON file must be valid (you can use an online validator to check)

A full reference for the JSON format is provided in the section below.
For most services name, servers[] (with at least one entry), and recommended.max video bitrate as well as recommended.keyint are sufficient.

To illustrate the format, here is an example containing all required and the two optional-but-recommended properties:

Minimal RTMP example

  1. {
  2. "name": "Example Service Name",
  3. "servers": [
  4. {
  5. "name": "RTMP Example",
  6. "url": "rtmp://"
  7. }
  8. ],
  9. "supported video codecs": [
  10. "h264"
  11. ],
  12. "supported audio codecs": [
  13. "aac"
  14. ],
  15. "recommended": {
  16. "keyint": 2,
  17. "max video bitrate": 6000
  18. }
  19. }

This entry can simply be copy-pasted to the end of the list in plugins/rtmp-services/data/services.json and then adjusted to fit your needs. Just remember to add a , after the closing bracket (}) of the previous entry.

Please note:

  • Your service must not have common set (to true) unless it already is, the decision to mark services as common lies at the sole descretion of the OBS Project
  • While you can add your service at any point in the list, we recommend simply adding them at the end since they’re presented in an alphabetical order to the user
  • Ingests with different protocols (aside from RTMP and RTMPS) cannot be mixed in one service entry
  • HLS services must use the {stream_key} variable in server URLs and the recommended.output property must be set to ffmpeg_hls_muxer

2. Incrementing the package version

The rtmp-services package version needs to be incremented for OBS to know that there has been an update, simply increment the version numbers in plugins/rtmp-services/data/package.json by 1.

3. Local testing

To test your changes locally you can replace the services.json and package.json in %APPDATA%\obs-studio\plugin_config\rtmp-services with your updated ones and run OBS to verify that your service is now listed/the listing has been updated.

4. Commit and PR

Commits must be prefixed with rtmp-services: and should be in present-tense. In General rtmp-services: Add is sufficient when adding a new service.
When updating you may specify what is being updated, for example rtmp-services: Update recommendations or rtmp-services: Update ingests.

When making the PR be sure to follow the PR guidelines outlined in the PR template.

JSON Format Reference

Full list of available properties

Property NameDescription
name(Required) The name of the service as shown in the dropdown
commonWhether or not the service is shown in the list before it is expanded to all services by the user
more_info_linkLink that provides additional info about the service, presented in the UI as a button next to the services dropdown
stream_key_linkLink where a logged-in user can find the “stream key”, presented as a button below the stream key field
alt_names[]Previous names of the service used for migrating existing users to the updated entry
servers[](Required) List of servers
servers[].url(Required) RTMP(S) or HLS URL of the ingest server
servers[].name(Required) Name of the server (e.g. location, primary/backup)
supported video codecsList of supported video codecs. If none default to h264. Valid options: h264, hevc
supported audio codecsList of supported audio codecs. If none default to aac. Valid options: aac, opus
recommendedObject containing recommended service settings
recommended.keyintKeyframe interval (seconds)
recommended.profileH.264 Profile
recommended.max fpsMaximum supported framerate (integer)
recommended.max video bitrateHighest supported video bitrate (kbps)
recommended.max audio bitrateHighest supported audio bitrate (kbps)
recommended.bframesMaximum allowed number of B-Frames
recommended.x264optsAdditional x264 encoder options
recommended.outputOBS output module used (rtmp_output or ffmpeg_hls_muxer)
recommended.supported resolutions[]List of supported resolutions in format {width}x{height}
recommended.bitrate matrix[]List of resolutions and frame rate combinations with their recommended maximum bitrate
recommended.bitrate matrix[].resResolution in format {width}x{height}
recommended.bitrate matrix[].fpsFramerate (integer)
recommended.bitrate matrix[].max bitrateMaximum bitrate in kbps

Full example utilising all properties

  1. {
  2. "name": "Example Service Name",
  3. "common": false,
  4. "more_info_link": "",
  5. "stream_key_link": "",
  6. "alt_names": [
  7. "Previous Example Service Name"
  8. ],
  9. "servers": [
  10. {
  11. "name": "RTMPS Example",
  12. "url": "rtmps://"
  13. },
  14. {
  15. "name": "RTMP Example",
  16. "url": "rtmp://"
  17. }
  18. ],
  19. "supported video codecs": [
  20. "h264",
  21. "hevc"
  22. ],
  23. "supported audio codecs": [
  24. "aac",
  25. "opus"
  26. ],
  27. "recommended": {
  28. "keyint": 2,
  29. "profile": "high",
  30. "supported resolutions": [
  31. "1920x1080",
  32. "1280x720",
  33. "852x480",
  34. "640x360"
  35. ],
  36. "bitrate matrix": [
  37. {
  38. "res": "1920x1080",
  39. "fps": 30,
  40. "max bitrate": 6000
  41. },
  42. {
  43. "res": "1920x1080",
  44. "fps": 60,
  45. "max bitrate": 9000
  46. }
  47. ],
  48. "max fps": 60,
  49. "max video bitrate": 9000,
  50. "max audio bitrate": 320,
  51. "bframes": 2,
  52. "x264opts": "scenecut=0",
  53. "output": "rtmp_output"
  54. }
  55. }