
If you’re new to NeoVim/Vim

We strongly encourage you to learn how to use NeoVim/Vim, as it’s more than a normal text editor.

These are highly recommend and a must do for any new Vimmer

After the initial installation, we recommend setting up a few things based on your needs.

Setup your custom config

In order to set any custom options, you must use the lua/custom/ directory. This is to protect your own customisations when updating NvChad.

  • custom/init.lua gets run during NeoVim setup, it’s a way to run general purpose code such as mappings,autocmds etc.
  • custom/chadrc.lua is used to override core/default_config.lua and basically control whole of nvchad, you only need to include values that you wish to change from the default file

NvChad provides init.lua & chadrc.lua inside of the examples folder.

To start setting up NvChad to your needs, copy these template files:

  1. mkdir lua/custom
  2. cp examples/init.lua lua/custom/init.lua
  3. cp examples/chadrc.lua lua/custom/chadrc.lua

Install Treesitter Parser(s)

The goal of nvim-treesitter is to provide basic functionality such as syntax-highlighting for various languages. For more info check out their repository at nvim-treesitter.

For example, to install the treesitter parser for css:

  1. :TSInstall css

For a list of supported languages, please checkout the docs.