Redis 计数器实现并发场景下的优惠券领取功能

计数器为 Redis 应用场景之一,通过计数器我们可以实现实际业务中的很多需求,例如:PV/UV、接口并发限制、抽奖、优惠券领取等,本篇主要介绍计数器在并发场景下的优惠券领取功能实现。


业务需求方做优惠券发放活动,共优惠券 10 张,参与用户 100 人,先到先得,此处只是做一个例子介绍,假设每次并发 20 用户同时访问,如何保证不超领取呢?


  • exists:判断指定 key 是否存在
  • setnx:设置值,若该值存在不做任何处理
  • incr:计数


实践 | Redis 计数器实现并发场景下的优惠券领取功能 - 图1


每发送一次领取请求,采用 incr 命令进行自增,由于 Redis 单线程的原因,可以保证原子性,不会出现超领。


  1. // Redis链接建立
  2. const Redis = require('ioredis');
  3. const redis = new Redis(6379, '');
  4. // 将日志写入指定文件
  5. const fs = require('fs');
  6. const { Console } = require('console');
  7. const output = fs.createWriteStream('./stdout.log');
  8. const errorOutput = fs.createWriteStream('./stderr.log');
  9. const logger = new Console(output, errorOutput);
  10. async function luck() {
  11. const count = 10;
  12. const key = 'counter:luck';
  13. const keyExists = await redis.exists(key);
  14. if (!keyExists) { // 如果 key 不存在初始化设置
  15. await redis.setnx(key, 0);
  16. }
  17. const result = await redis.incr(key);
  18. if (result > count) { // 优惠券领取超限
  19. logger.error('luck failure', result);
  20. return;
  21. }
  22.'luck success', result);
  23. }
  24. module.exports = luck;

起一个简单的 HTTP 服务,浏览器执行 接口,实现优惠券领取


  1. const http = require('http');
  2. const luck = require('./luck');
  3. http.createServer((req, res) => {
  4. if (req.url === '/luck') {
  5. luck();
  6. res.end('ok');
  7. }
  8. }).listen(3000);


这里采用 ab 进行并发压测,-c 指每次并发数,-n 指总的请求数

  1. $ ab -c 20 -n 100
  2. This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1807734 $>
  3. Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
  4. Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation,
  5. Benchmarking (be patient).....done
  6. Server Software:
  7. Server Hostname:
  8. Server Port: 3000
  9. Document Path: /luck
  10. Document Length: 2 bytes
  11. Concurrency Level: 20
  12. Time taken for tests: 0.073 seconds
  13. Complete requests: 100
  14. Failed requests: 0
  15. Total transferred: 7700 bytes
  16. HTML transferred: 200 bytes
  17. Requests per second: 1361.54 [#/sec] (mean)
  18. Time per request: 14.689 [ms] (mean)
  19. Time per request: 0.734 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
  20. Transfer rate: 102.38 [Kbytes/sec] received
  21. Connection Times (ms)
  22. min mean[+/-sd] median max
  23. Connect: 0 2 2.1 2 10
  24. Processing: 1 11 5.3 10 22
  25. Waiting: 1 11 5.2 10 20
  26. Total: 4 13 5.4 14 22
  27. Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  28. 50% 14
  29. 66% 17
  30. 75% 18
  31. 80% 18
  32. 90% 20
  33. 95% 21
  34. 98% 22
  35. 99% 22
  36. 100% 22 (longest request)

查看领取成功日志 cat stdout.log 是我们预先设置的 10 个名额,如下所示:


  1. luck success 1
  2. luck success 2
  3. luck success 3
  4. luck success 4
  5. luck success 5
  6. luck success 6
  7. luck success 7
  8. luck success 8
  9. luck success 9
  10. luck success 10

领取失败 cat stderr.log 日志查看


  1. luck failure 11
  2. luck failure 12
  3. luck failure 13
  4. luck failure 14
  5. luck failure 15
  6. ...
