
The following section describes how to install the Neuron package on X86/ARM Linux devices.


Neuron software packages can be downloaded from the Neuron website according to the actual system.

Download files Architecture
neuron-x.y.z-linux-amd64.deb X86_64
neuron-x.y.z-linux-armhf.deb ARM_32
neuron-x.y.z-linux-arm64.deb ARM_64

Version number x.y.z Description:

  • x is the major version number, which may change if the entire system architecture has been enhanced.
  • y is the minor version number, which may change if certain additional features exist.
  • z is the patch number for bug fixes in the Neuron software.

Installation conditions

The rpm/deb package uses systemd to manage the neuron process and it is recommended that the rpm/deb package is used in preference.

Linux distribution/device Required packages
Debian package system
Ubuntu 20.xx
Ubuntu 18.xx
Redhat package system
Contos 8
Centos 9

Installation steps

This section describes how to install the Neuron software for the first time on a Linux system.

Using the deb package


  1. sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb

Install depending on the version, e.g.

  1. sudo dpkg -i neuron-2.0.1-linux-armhf.deb

Note After successful installation of the deb package, Neuron is automatically started.


  1. sudo dpkg -r neuron

Using the rpm package


  1. sudo rpm -i xxx.rpm --nodeps --force

Install depending on the version, e.g.

  1. sudo rpm -i neuron-2.0.1-linux-armhf.rpm --nodeps --force

Note After successful installation of the rpm package, Neuron is automatically started.


  1. sudo rpm -e neuron

Using the .tar.gz package


  1. sudo tar -zxvf xxx.tar.gz
  2. cd xxx

Install depending on the version, e.g.

  1. sudo tar -zxvf neuron-2.0.1-linux-armhf.tar.gz
  2. cd neuron-2.0.1-linux-armhf


The following command can be executed to boot from the current terminal:

  1. ./neuron

If you want to run as a daemon, you can execute the following command:

  1. ./neuron -d

Execute the following command to see all the parameters available on the command line:

  1. ./neuron -h

Running with Docker

Get the image

The docker image can be downloaded from the docker hub website.

  1. docker pull neugates/neuron:2.0.0


  1. docker run -d --name neuron -p 7000:7000 -p 7001:7001 --privileged=true --restart=always neugates/neuron:2.0.0
  • tcp 7000: Used to access the web.
  • tcp 7001: http api port. (api port is web port + 1, e.g. when web port is mapped to 8000, api port should be mapped to 8001)
  • —restart=always: Automatically restart the neuron container when the docker process is restarted.
  • —privileged=true:Easy to troubleshoot problems.
  • —device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyS0: Used to map the serial port to docker.

Neuron Operation

For rpm and deb installations, Neuron can view/start/stop the status with the following commands:

View Neuron Status

  1. sudo systemctl status neuron

Stop Neuron

  1. sudo systemctl stop neuron

Reatart Neuron

  1. sudo systemctl restart neuron