
运算符 描述
= 赋值运算符
/ 除法运算符
== 等于运算符
!= 不等于运算符
< 小于运算符
<= 小于或等于运算符
- 减法运算符
% 余数运算符
+ 加法运算符
* 乘法运算符
- 负号运算符
udf_is_in() 比较函数,判断值是否在指定的列表中

比较运算的结果是 truefalse

  • ==


  1. nebula> YIELD 'A' == 'a';
  2. ==============
  3. | ("A"=="a") |
  4. ==============
  5. | false |
  6. --------------
  7. nebula> YIELD '2' == 2;
  8. [ERROR (-8)]: A string type can not be compared with a non-string type.
  • >


  1. nebula> YIELD 3 > 2;
  2. =========
  3. | (3>2) |
  4. =========
  5. | true |
  6. ---------


  1. nebula> YIELD 2 >= 2;
  2. ==========
  3. | (2>=2) |
  4. ==========
  5. | true |
  6. ----------
  • <


  1. nebula> YIELD 2.0 < 1.9;
  2. =======================
  3. | (2.000000<1.900000) |
  4. =======================
  5. | false |
  6. -----------------------


  1. nebula> YIELD 0.11 <= 0.11;
  2. ========================
  3. | (0.110000<=0.110000) |
  4. ========================
  5. | true |
  6. ------------------------
  • !=


  1. nebula> YIELD 1 != '1'
  2. [ERROR (-8)]: A string type can not be compared with a non-string type.
  • udf_is_in()


  1. nebula> YIELD udf_is_in(1,0,1,2)
  2. ======================
  3. | udf_is_in(1,0,1,2) |
  4. ======================
  5. | true |
  6. ----------------------
  7. nebula> GO FROM 201 OVER like WHERE udf_is_in($$.student.name, "Jane")
  8. =============
  9. | like._dst |
  10. =============
  11. | 202 |
  12. -------------
  13. nebula> GO FROM 201 OVER like YIELD like._dst AS id | GO FROM $-.id OVER like WHERE udf_is_in($-.id, 200, 200+1)
  14. =============
  15. | like._dst |
  16. =============
  17. | 201 |
  18. -------------