Error Codes

minikube error codes and strings

Error Codes

Generic Errors

1: ExFailure
2: ExInterrupted

Error codes specific to the minikube program

10: ExProgramError
14: ExProgramUsage
11: ExProgramConflict
15: ExProgramNotFound
16: ExProgramUnsupported
18: ExProgramConfig

Error codes specific to resource limits (exit code layout follows no rules)

20: ExResourceError
23: ExInsufficientMemory
26: ExInsufficientStorage
27: ExInsufficientPermission
29: ExInsufficientCores

Error codes specific to the host

30: ExHostError
31: ExHostConflict
32: ExHostTimeout
34: ExHostUsage
35: ExHostNotFound
38: ExHostUnsupported
37: ExHostPermission
38: ExHostConfig

Error codes specific to remote networking

40: ExInternetError
41: ExInternetConflict
42: ExInternetTimeout
45: ExInternetNotFound
48: ExInternetConfig
49: ExInternetUnavailable

Error codes specific to the libmachine driver

50: ExDriverError
51: ExDriverConflict
52: ExDriverTimeout
54: ExDriverUsage
55: ExDriverNotFound
56: ExDriverUnsupported
57: ExDriverPermission
58: ExDriverConfig
59: ExDriverUnavailable

Error codes specific to the driver provider

60: ExProviderError
61: ExProviderConflict
62: ExProviderTimeout
63: ExProviderNotRunning
65: ExProviderNotFound
66: ExProviderUnsupported
67: ExProviderPermission
68: ExProviderConfig
69: ExProviderUnavailable

Error codes specific to local networking

70: ExLocalNetworkError
71: ExLocalNetworkConflict
72: ExLocalNetworkTimeout
75: ExLocalNetworkNotFound
77: ExLocalNetworkPermission
78: ExLocalNetworkConfig
79: ExLocalNetworkUnavailable

Error codes specific to the guest host

80: ExGuestError
81: ExGuestConflict
82: ExGuestTimeout
83: ExGuestNotRunning
85: ExGuestNotFound
86: ExGuestUnsupported
87: ExGuestPermission
88: ExGuestConfig
89: ExGuestUnavailable

Error codes specific to the container runtime

90: ExRuntimeError
93: ExRuntimeNotRunning
95: ExRuntimeNotFound
99: ExRuntimeUnavailable

Error codes specific to the Kubernetes control plane

100: ExControlPlaneError
101: ExControlPlaneConflict
102: ExControlPlaneTimeout
103: ExControlPlaneNotRunning
105: ExControlPlaneNotFound
106: ExControlPlaneUnsupported
108: ExControlPlaneConfig
109: ExControlPlaneUnavailable

Error codes specific to a Kubernetes service

110: ExSvcError
111: ExSvcConflict
112: ExSvcTimeout
113: ExSvcNotRunning
115: ExSvcNotFound
116: ExSvcUnsupported
117: ExSvcPermission
118: ExSvcConfig
119: ExSvcUnavailable

Error Strings

“MK_USAGE” (Exit code ExProgramUsage)
minikube has been passed an incorrect parameter

“MK_USAGE_NO_PROFILE” (Exit code ExProgramUsage)
minikube has no current cluster running

“MK_INTERRUPTED” (Exit code ExProgramConflict)
minikube was interrupted by an OS signal

“MK_WRONG_BINARY_WSL” (Exit code ExProgramUnsupported)
user attempted to run a Windows executable (.exe) inside of WSL rather than using the Linux binary

“MK_NEW_APICLIENT” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to create a new Docker Machine api client

“MK_ADDON_DISABLE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube could not disable an addon, e.g. dashboard addon

“MK_ADDON_ENABLE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube could not enable an addon, e.g. dashboard addon

“MK_ADD_CONFIG” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to update internal configuration, such as the cached images config map

“MK_BOOTSTRAPPER” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to create a cluster bootstrapper

“MK_CACHE_LIST” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to list cached images

“MK_CACHE_LOAD” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minkube failed to cache and load cached images

“MK_COMMAND_RUNNER” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to load a Docker Machine CommandRunner

“MK_COMPLETION” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to generate shell command completion for a supported shell

“MK_CONFIG_SET” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to set an internal config value

“MK_CONFIG_UNSET” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to unset an internal config value

“MK_CONFIG_VIEW” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to view current config values

“MK_DEL_CONFIG” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikybe failed to delete an internal configuration, such as a cached image

“MK_DOCKER_SCRIPT” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to generate script to activate minikube docker-env

“MK_BIND_FLAGS” (Exit code ExProgramError)
an error occurred when viper attempted to bind flags to configuration

“MK_FORMAT_USAGE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minkube was passed an invalid format string in the –format flag

“MK_GENERATE_DOCS” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to auto-generate markdown-based documentation in the specified folder

“MK_JSON_MARSHAL” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to marshal a JSON object

“MK_K8S_CLIENT” (Exit code ExControlPlaneUnavailable)
minikube failed to create a Kubernetes client set which is necessary for querying the Kubernetes API

“MK_LIST_CONFIG” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to list some configuration data

“MK_LOG_FOLLOW” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to follow or watch minikube logs

“MK_NEW_RUNTIME” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to create an appropriate new runtime based on the driver in use

“MK_OUTPUT_USAGE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube was passed an invalid value for the –output command line flag

“MK_RUNTIME” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube could not configure the runtime in use, or the runtime failed

“MK_RESERVED_PROFILE” (Exit code ExProgramConflict)
minikube was passed a reserved keyword as a profile name, which is not allowed

“MK_ENV_SCRIPT” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minkube failed to generate script to set or unset minikube-env

“MK_SHELL_DETECT” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to detect the shell in use

“MK_STATUS_JSON” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to output JSON-formatted minikube status

“MK_STATUS_TEXT” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to output minikube status text

“MK_VIEW_EXEC” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to execute (i.e. fill in values for) a view template for displaying current config

“MK_VIEW_TMPL” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to create view template for displaying current config

“MK_YAML_MARSHAL” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube failed to marshal a YAML object

“MK_CREDENTIALS_NOT_FOUND” (Exit code ExProgramNotFound)
minikube could not locate credentials needed to utilize an appropriate service, e.g. GCP

“MK_CREDENTIALS_NOT_NEEDED” (Exit code ExProgramNotFound)
minikube was passed service credentials when they were not needed, such as when using the GCP Auth addon when running in GCE

“MK_SEMVER_PARSE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube found an invalid semver string for kubernetes in the minikube constants

“MK_DAEMONIZE” (Exit code ExProgramError)
minikube was unable to daemonize the minikube process

“RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_CORES” (Exit code ExInsufficientCores)
insufficient cores available for use by minikube and kubernetes

“RSRC_DOCKER_CORES” (Exit code ExInsufficientCores)
insufficient cores available for use by Docker Desktop on Mac

“RSRC_DOCKER_CORES” (Exit code ExInsufficientCores)
insufficient cores available for use by Docker Desktop on Windows

“RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_REQ_MEMORY” (Exit code ExInsufficientMemory)
insufficient memory (less than the recommended minimum) allocated to minikube

“RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_SYS_MEMORY” (Exit code ExInsufficientMemory)
insufficient memory (less than the recommended minimum) available on the system running minikube

insufficient memory available for the driver in use by minikube

“RSRC_DOCKER_MEMORY” (Exit code ExInsufficientMemory)
insufficient memory available to Docker Desktop on Windows

“RSRC_DOCKER_MEMORY” (Exit code ExInsufficientMemory)
insufficient memory available to Docker Desktop on Mac

“RSRC_DOCKER_STORAGE” (Exit code ExInsufficientStorage)
insufficient disk storage available to the docker driver

“RSRC_PODMAN_STORAGE” (Exit code ExInsufficientStorage)
insufficient disk storage available to the podman driver

“RSRC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE” (Exit code ExInsufficientStorage)
insufficient disk storage available for running minikube and kubernetes

“HOST_HOME_MKDIR” (Exit code ExHostPermission)
minikube could not create the minikube directory

“HOST_HOME_CHOWN” (Exit code ExHostPermission)
minikube could not change permissions for the minikube directory

“HOST_BROWSER” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to open the host browser, such as when running minikube dashboard

“HOST_CONFIG_LOAD” (Exit code ExHostConfig)
minikube failed to load cluster config from the host for the profile in use

“HOST_HOME_PERMISSION” (Exit code ExHostPermission)
the current user has insufficient permissions to create the minikube profile directory

“HOST_CURRENT_USER” (Exit code ExHostConfig)
minikube failed to determine current user

“HOST_DEL_CACHE” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to delete cached images from host

“HOST_KILL_MOUNT_PROC” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to kill a mount process

“HOST_KUBECONFIG_UPDATE” (Exit code ExHostConfig)
minikube failed to update host Kubernetes resources config

minikube failed to delete Kubernetes config from context for a given profile

“HOST_KUBECTL_PROXY” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to launch a kubectl proxy

“HOST_MOUNT_PID” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to write mount pid

“HOST_PATH_MISSING” (Exit code ExHostNotFound)
minikube was passed a path to a host directory that does not exist

“HOST_PATH_STAT” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to access info for a directory path

“HOST_PURGE” (Exit code ExHostError)
minikube failed to purge minikube config directories

“HOST_SAVE_PROFILE” (Exit code ExHostConfig)
minikube failed to persist profile config

“PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND” (Exit code ExProviderNotFound)
minikube could not find a provider for the selected driver

“PROVIDER_UNAVAILABLE” (Exit code ExProviderNotFound)
the host does not support or is improperly configured to support a provider for the selected driver

“DRV_CP_ENDPOINT” (Exit code ExDriverError)
minikube failed to access the driver control plane or API endpoint

“DRV_PORT_FORWARD” (Exit code ExDriverError)
minikube failed to bind container ports to host ports

“DRV_UNSUPPORTED_MULTINODE” (Exit code ExDriverConflict)
the driver in use does not support multi-node clusters

“DRV_UNSUPPORTED_OS” (Exit code ExDriverUnsupported)
the specified driver is not supported on the host OS

“DRV_UNSUPPORTED_PROFILE” (Exit code ExDriverUnsupported)
the driver in use does not support the selected profile or multiple profiles

“DRV_NOT_FOUND” (Exit code ExDriverNotFound)
minikube failed to locate specified driver

“DRV_NOT_DETECTED” (Exit code ExDriverNotFound)
minikube could not find a valid driver

“DRV_NOT_HEALTHY” (Exit code ExDriverNotFound)
minikube found drivers but none were ready to use

“DRV_DOCKER_NOT_RUNNING” (Exit code ExDriverNotFound)
minikube found the docker driver but the docker service was not running

“DRV_AS_ROOT” (Exit code ExDriverPermission)
the driver in use is being run as root

“DRV_NEEDS_ROOT” (Exit code ExDriverPermission)
the specified driver needs to be run as root

“GUEST_CACHE_LOAD” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to load cached images

“GUEST_CERT” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to setup certificates

“GUEST_CP_CONFIG” (Exit code ExGuestConfig)
minikube failed to access the control plane

“GUEST_DELETION” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to properly delete a resource, such as a profile

“GUEST_IMAGE_LIST” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to list images on the machine

“GUEST_IMAGE_LOAD” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to pull or load an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_REMOVE” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to remove an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_PULL” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to pull an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_BUILD” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to build an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_SAVE” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to push or save an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_PUSH” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to push an image

“GUEST_IMAGE_TAG” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to tag an image

“GUEST_LOAD_HOST” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to load host

“GUEST_MOUNT” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minkube failed to create a mount

mount on guest was unable to connect to host mount server

“GUEST_MOUNT_CONFLICT” (Exit code ExGuestConflict)
minkube failed to update a mount

“GUEST_NODE_ADD” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to add a node to the cluster

“GUEST_NODE_DELETE” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to remove a node from the cluster

“GUEST_NODE_PROVISION” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to provision a node

“GUEST_NODE_RETRIEVE” (Exit code ExGuestNotFound)
minikube failed to retrieve information for a cluster node

“GUEST_NODE_START” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to startup a cluster node

“GUEST_PAUSE” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to pause the cluster process

“GUEST_PROFILE_DELETION” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to delete a machine profile directory

“GUEST_PROVISION” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed while attempting to provision the guest

docker container exited prematurely during provisioning

“GUEST_START” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to start a node with current driver

“GUEST_STATUS” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to get docker machine status

“GUEST_STOP_TIMEOUT” (Exit code ExGuestTimeout)
stopping the cluster process timed out

“GUEST_UNPAUSE” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to unpause the cluster process

“GUEST_CHECK_PAUSED” (Exit code ExGuestError)
minikube failed to check if Kubernetes containers are paused

“GUEST_DRIVER_MISMATCH” (Exit code ExGuestConflict)
minikube cluster was created used a driver that is incompatible with the driver being requested

“GUEST_MISSING_CONNTRACK” (Exit code ExGuestUnsupported)
minikube could not find conntrack on the host, which is required from Kubernetes 1.18 onwards

“IF_HOST_IP” (Exit code ExLocalNetworkError)
minikube failed to get the host IP to use from within the VM

“IF_MOUNT_IP” (Exit code ExLocalNetworkError)
minikube failed to parse the input IP address for mount

“IF_MOUNT_PORT” (Exit code ExLocalNetworkError)
minikube failed to parse or find port for mount

“IF_SSH_CLIENT” (Exit code ExLocalNetworkError)
minikube failed to access an ssh client on the host machine

“INET_CACHE_BINARIES” (Exit code ExInternetError)
minikube failed to cache kubernetes binaries for the current runtime

“INET_CACHE_KUBECTL” (Exit code ExInternetError)
minikube failed to cache the kubectl binary

“INET_CACHE_TAR” (Exit code ExInternetError)
minikube failed to cache required images to tar files

“INET_REPO” (Exit code ExInternetError)
minikube was unable to access main repository and mirrors for images

“INET_REPOS_UNAVAILABLE” (Exit code ExInternetError)
minikube was unable to access any known image repositories

“INET_VERSION_UNAVAILABLE” (Exit code ExInternetUnavailable)
minikube was unable to fetch latest release/version info for minkikube

“INET_VERSION_EMPTY” (Exit code ExInternetConfig)
minikube received invalid empty data for latest release/version info from the server

“RUNTIME_ENABLE” (Exit code ExRuntimeError)
minikube failed to enable the current container runtime

“RUNTIME_CACHE” (Exit code ExRuntimeError)
minikube failed to cache images for the current container runtime

“SVC_CHECK_TIMEOUT” (Exit code ExSvcTimeout)
service check timed out while starting minikube dashboard

“SVC_TIMEOUT” (Exit code ExSvcTimeout)
minikube was unable to access a service

“SVC_LIST” (Exit code ExSvcError)
minikube failed to list services for the specified namespace

“SVC_TUNNEL_START” (Exit code ExSvcError)
minikube failed to start a tunnel

“SVC_TUNNEL_STOP” (Exit code ExSvcError)
minikube could not stop an active tunnel

“SVC_URL_TIMEOUT” (Exit code ExSvcTimeout)
minikube was unable to access the service url

“SVC_NOT_FOUND” (Exit code ExSvcNotFound)
minikube couldn’t find the specified service in the specified namespace

“ENV_DRIVER_CONFLICT” (Exit code ExDriverConflict)
user attempted to use a command that is not supported by the driver currently in use

“ENV_MULTINODE_CONFLICT” (Exit code ExGuestConflict)
user attempted to run a command that is not supported on multi-node setup without some additional configuration

“ENV_PODMAN_UNAVAILABLE” (Exit code ExRuntimeUnavailable)
the podman service was unavailable to the cluster

“SVC_ADDON_UNSUPPORTED” (Exit code ExSvcUnsupported)
user attempted to use an addon that is not supported

“SVC_ADDON_NOT_ENABLED” (Exit code ExProgramConflict)
user attempted to use an addon that is currently not enabled

“K8S_INSTALL_FAILED” (Exit code ExControlPlaneError)
minikube failed to update the Kubernetes cluster

minikube failed to update the Kubernetes cluster because the container runtime was unavailable

“K8S_OLD_UNSUPPORTED” (Exit code ExControlPlaneUnsupported)
an outdated Kubernetes version was specified for minikube to use

“K8S_DOWNGRADE_UNSUPPORTED” (Exit code ExControlPlaneUnsupported)
minikube was unable to safely downgrade installed Kubernetes version

Last modified August 22, 2021: Add also stand-alone image push matching pull (817f8b4b7)