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2020-01-25 11:39:48
9.8. 防御
9.8.1. 日志检查
9.8.2. 终端监控
- attack monitor Endpoint detection & Malware analysis software
- artillery The Artillery Project is an open-source blue team tool designed to protect Linux and Windows operating systems through multiple methods.
- yurita Anomaly detection framework @ PayPal
9.8.3. XSS防护
9.8.4. 配置检查
9.8.5. 安全检查
9.8.6. IDS
9.8.7. 威胁情报
9.8.8. APT
9.8.9. 入侵检查
9.8.10. 进程查看
9.8.11. Waf
9.8.12. 病毒在线查杀
9.8.13. WebShell查杀
9.8.14. IoC
9.8.15. 内存取证
9.8.16. 审计工具
9.8.17. Security Advisories
9.8.18. 风险控制