Installing on Linux

This chapter demonstrates how to use KubeKey to provision a production-ready Kubernetes and KubeSphere cluster on Linux in different environments. You can also use KubeKey to easily scale out and in your cluster and set various storage classes based on your needs.

Below you will find some of the most viewed and helpful pages in this chapter. It is highly recommended that you refer to them first.

Installing on Linux - 图1

Deploy KubeSphere on QingCloud

Provision an HA KubeSphere cluster on QingCloud.



Explore the general content in this chapter, including installation preparation, installation tool and method, and storage configurations.


Understand what KubeKey is and how it works to help you create, scale and upgrade your Kubernetes cluster.

Multi-node Installation

Learn the general steps of installing KubeSphere and Kubernetes on a multi-node cluster.

Air-gapped Installation

Learn how to install KubeSphere and Kubernetes in an air-gapped environment.

Port Requirements

Understand the specific port requirements for different services in KubeSphere.

Kubernetes Cluster Configurations

Customize your Kubernetes settings in the configuration file for your cluster.

High Availability Configurations

Set up an HA Cluster Using a Load Balancer

Learn how to create a highly available cluster using a load balancer.

Set up an HA Cluster Using Keepalived and HAproxy

Learn how to create a highly available cluster using Keepalived and HAproxy.

Persistent Storage Configurations

Understand Persistent Storage Installation

Understand how to use KubeKey to install different storage systems.

Install QingCloud CSI

Use KubeKey to create a cluster with QingCloud CSI providing storage services.

Install NFS Client

Use KubeKey to create a cluster with NFS Client providing storage services.

Install GlusterFS

Use KubeKey to create a cluster with GlusterFS providing storage services.

Install Ceph

Use KubeKey to create a cluster with Ceph providing storage services.

Installing on Public Cloud

Deploy KubeSphere on Azure VM Instances

Learn how to create a high-availability cluster on Azure virtual machines.

Deploy KubeSphere on QingCloud Instances

Learn how to create a high-availability cluster on QingCloud platform.

Installing in On-premises Environments

Deploy KubeSphere on VMware vSphere

Learn how to create a high-availability cluster on VMware vSphere.

Deploy KubeSphere on Bare Metal

Learn how to create a multi-node cluster with one master on bare metal.

Deploy K3s and KubeSphere

Learn how to use KubeKey to install K3s and KubeSphere.

Add and Delete Nodes

Add New Nodes

Add more nodes to scale out your cluster.

Delete Nodes

Cordon a node and even delete a node to scale in your cluster.

Add Edge Nodes

Add edge nodes to your cluster.

Uninstall KubeSphere and Kubernetes

Remove KubeSphere and Kubernetes from your machines.