Deploying your first Knative Service

In this tutorial, you will deploy a “Hello world” service.

Since our “Hello world” Service is being deployed as a Knative Service, not a Kubernetes Service, it gets some super powers out of the box 🚀.

Knative Service: “Hello world!”

First, deploy the Knative Service. This service accepts the environment variable, TARGET, and prints Hello ${TARGET}!.


Deploy the Service by running the command:

  1. kn service create hello \
  2. --image \
  3. --port 8080 \
  4. --env TARGET=World \
  5. --revision-name=world

Why did I pass in revision-name?

Note the name “world” which you passed in as “revision-name,” naming your Revisions will help you to more easily identify them, but don’t worry, you’ll learn more about Revisions later.

Expected output

  1. Service hello created to latest revision 'hello-world' is available at URL:
  1. Copy the following YAML into a file named hello.yaml:

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. name: hello
    5. spec:
    6. template:
    7. metadata:
    8. # This is the name of our new "Revision," it must follow the convention {service-name}-{revision-name}
    9. name: hello-world
    10. spec:
    11. containers:
    12. - image:
    13. ports:
    14. - containerPort: 8080
    15. env:
    16. - name: TARGET
    17. value: "World"
  2. Deploy the Knative Service by running the command:

    1. kubectl apply -f hello.yaml

    Why did I pass in the second name, hello-world?

    Note the name hello-world which you passed in under metadata in your YAML file. Naming your Revisions will help you to more easily identify them, but don’t worry if this if a bit confusing now, you’ll learn more about Revisions later.

    Expected output

    1. created
  3. To see the URL where your Knative Service is hosted, leverage the kn CLI:

    1. kn service list

    Expected output

    2. hello hello-world 13s 3 OK / 3 True

Ping your Knative Service

Ping your Knative Service by opening in your browser of choice or by running the command:

  1. curl

Expected output

  1. Hello World!

Are you seeing curl: (6) Could not resolve host:

In some cases your DNS server may be set up not to resolve * addresses. If you encounter this problem, it can be fixed by using a different nameserver to resolve these addresses.

The exact steps will differ according to your distribution. For example, with Ubuntu derived systems which use systemd-resolved, you can add the following entry to the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf:

  1. [Resolve]
  2. DNS=

Then simply restart the service with sudo service systemd-resolved restart.

For MacOS users, you can add the DNS and domain using the network settings as explained here.

Congratulations 🎉, you’ve just created your first Knative Service. Up next, Autoscaling!